Georgiev, Georgi (Author)
Radio Free Europe used balloons to drop leaflets in an attempt to supplement radio with printed words in the 1950s—a historical moment when closing borders, censoring the press, jamming foreign radios, tapping telephone lines, and tracking letters from abroad created an almost hermetically sealed space without many means for exchanging information across the Iron Curtain. This article traces how distorted and limited information shaped Cold War propaganda and practices of information-gathering. The article further examines unpredictable environmental factors that were transformed into persuasive political rhetoric. A comparative analysis of communist media shows similarities of imagination in a visual propaganda campaign across five communist countries. Fantasies evolved into an object of public interest when propaganda strategies embraced a language of facts.
...MoreArticle István Rév (2019) Neither Objective nor Subjective. Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology (pp. 143-152).
Joanna Walewska‐Choptiany;
Listening Through the Iron Curtain: RFE and Polish Radio in the “Fog of War”
Nikolas Dörr;
Die „saubere“ Atombombe. Die Bedeutung der Neutronenwaffe als Projektionsfl äche im Kalten Krieg (The “Clean” Atomic Bomb. The Significance of Neutron Weaponry as a Projection Screen during the Cold War)
James Owen Weatherall;
Cailin O’Connor;
Justin P. Bruner;
How to Beat Science and Influence People: Policymakers and Propaganda in Epistemic Networks
István Rév;
Neither Objective nor Subjective
Kind-Kovács, Friederike;
Voices, Letters, and Literature through the Iron Curtain: Exiles and the (Trans)mission of Radio in the Cold War
Peters, Benjamin;
Betrothal and betrayal: The Soviet translation of Norbert Wiener's early cybernetics
Risso, Linda;
Radio Wars: Broadcasting in the Cold War
Iina Kohonen;
Picturing the Cosmos: A Visual History of Early Soviet Space Endeavor
David Parisi;
Archaeologies of Touch: Interfacing with Haptics from Electricity to Computing
Stephanie Boluk;
Patrick LeMieux;
Metagaming: Playing, Competing, Spectating, Cheating, Trading, Making, and Breaking Videogames
Richard Rinehart;
Jon Ippolito;
Re-Collection: Art, New Media, and Social Memory
Ruxandra Petrinca;
Radio Waves, Memories, and the Politics of Everyday Life in Socialist Romania: The Case of Radio Free Europe
Park, David W.;
Jankowski, Nicholas;
Jones, Steve;
The long history of new media: Technology, historiography, and contextualizing newness
James Michael Young;
The U.S. Air Force's Long Range Detection Program and Project MOGUL
James T. Andrews;
Inculcating Materialist Minds: Scientific Propaganda and Anti-Religion in the USSR During the Cold War
Marc andre Matten;
(September 2018)
Coping with Invisible Threats: Nuclear Radiation and Science Dissemination in Maoist China
Lotta Lounasmeri;
Jukka Kortti;
Campaigning between East and West: Finland and the Cold War in the presidential campaign films of Urho Kekkonen
Simo Mikkonen;
Interference or friendly gestures? Soviet cultural diplomacy and Finnish elections, 1945–56
Zuoyue Wang;
The Chinese Developmental State During the Cold War: The Making of the 1956 Twelve-Year Science and Technology Plan
Hiroshi 浩 Ichikawa 市川;
Soviet Science and Engineering in the Shadow of the Cold War
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