Book ID: CBB593936521

Immanenza e molteplicità: Gilles Deleuze e le matematiche del Novecento (2023)


Andrea Colombo (Author)

Publication date: 2023
Language: Italian

Publication Date: 2023
Physical Details: 204 pp.

Il rapporto tra Gilles Deleuze e il pensiero matematico è stato gravemente trascurato dalla letteratura critica perché considerato un semplice orpello dello stile notoriamente provocatorio dell’autore. Il volume, invece, vuole essere la prima analisi delle ragioni storiche e teoretiche che sottostanno al linguaggio matematico messo in campo da Deleuze, svelandone la coerenza dell’origine, la profondità speculativa, nonché le diverse variazioni tramite cui il filosofo francese coinvolge un’intera tradizione epistemologica nella costruzione di una metafisica del processo. In particolare, l’associazione deleuziana tra Baruch Spinoza, Bernhard Riemann e il calcolo differenziale viene ricostruita e ritrovata nel pensiero di Léon Brunschvicg, Jean Cavaillès, Albert Lautman e Gaston Bachelard, da cui Deleuze eredita un’idea precisa della matematica come pensiero storico-razionale di tipo impersonale, che sarà presente in tutti i suoi scritti degli anni Sessanta. [Abstract translated by DeepL Translator: This is the abstract in English… The relationship between Gilles Deleuze and mathematical thought has been seriously neglected by critical literature because it is considered a simple frill of the author's notoriously provocative style. The volume, however, aims to be the first analysis of the historical and theoretical reasons underlying the mathematical language deployed by Deleuze, revealing the coherence of its origin, the speculative depth, as well as the different variations through which the French philosopher involves an entire epistemological tradition in the construction of a metaphysics of the process. In particular, the Deleuzian association between Baruch Spinoza, Bernhard Riemann and differential calculus is reconstructed and rediscovered in the thought of Léon Brunschvicg, Jean Cavaillès, Albert Lautman and Gaston Bachelard, from whom Deleuze inherits a precise idea of ​​mathematics as historical thought rational of an impersonal type, which will be present in all his writings of the Sixties.]

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Authors & Contributors
Arthur, Richard T. W.
Błaszczyk, Piotr
Cirino, Raffaele
DeFehr, Wayne
Fedi, Laurent
Grabiner, Judith V.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
History and Philosophy of Logic
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
British Journal for the History of Mathematics
Oxford University Press
Mathematical Association of America
Duke University
ENS Editions
Philosophy of mathematics
Deleuze, Gilles
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von
Bergson, Henri Louis
Hilbert, David
Berkeley, George
Camus, Albert
Time Periods
20th century
17th century
19th century
18th century
Universität Göttingen

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