Udías, Agustín (Author)
Johann Georg Hagen, the first Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, carried out an abundant correspondence with other directors of Jesuit observatories between 1906 and 1930. Letters of his correspondents preserved at the Vatican Observatory and a few of his letters at other observatories provide interesting information about the work and problems of Jesuit astronomical observatories at that time. Letters survive from observatories in Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia. A short presentation is given concerning the relationship between Hagen and the other directors and the contents of the correspondence.
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Cosas y cartas: Scribal Production and Material Pathways in Jesuit Global Communication (1547–1573)
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Thinking Through the Environment: Green Approaches to Global History
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What Conceptions of Science Communication are Espoused by Science Research Funding Bodies?
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Beckler, Hermann;
Voigt, J. H.;
Osterhammel, J.;
Reichert, F.;
Entdeckungen in Australien: Briefe und Aufzeichnungen eines Deutschen 1855-1862 [Discoveries in Australia: A German's Letters and Papers 1855-1862]
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Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century
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On railways far away
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Ex epistulis Philippinensibus: Georg Joseph Kamel SJ (1661–1706) and His Correspondence Network
Chinnici, Ileana;
La carte du ciel: Correspondence inédite conservée dans les Archives de l'Observatoire de Paris
Combeau-Mari, Evelyne;
L'observatoire d'Ambohidempona à Madagascar (1888--1923): Pouvoir jésuite et science coloniale
Udías, Agustín;
Searching the Heavens and the Earth: The History of Jesuit Observatories
Botella Llusía, José;
González Moreno, Antonio;
Cartas a Maripepa: Relatos íntimos de tiempos cruciales
Feast, Michael;
Stellar Populations and the Distance Scale: The Baade--Thackeray Correspondence
Meg Parsons;
Destabilizing Narrative of the "Triumph of the White Man over the Tropics": Scientific Knowledge and the Management of Race in Queensland, 1900-1940
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