Article ID: CBB585369113

'Learn to Restrain Your Mouth': Alchemical Rumours and their Historiographical Afterlives (2020)


From around 1700 onwards, a number of sensationalist claims regarding adepts of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries began to appear in alchemical literature. They eventually made their way into standard works of historiography and continue to be repeated as factual. Yet the source for these rumours, a poem attributed to Martinus de Delle, supposedly a chamberlain of Emperor Rudolf II, has largely escaped scrutiny. The only surviving manuscript version currently known is here edited and translated in full for the first time. In the introductory essay, we call into question the existence of De Delle. Through scrutiny of the portrayals of alchemists within the poem, we propose that the author may have been an assayer in Prague. We then draw attention to the roles and effects of rumours within both the history and historiography of alchemy and argue for the importance of taking alchemical gossip seriously.

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Authors & Contributors
George, Sam
Kahn, Didier
Marchitello, Howard
Marshall, Peter H.
Middleton, Peter
Porter, Catherine
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
Science and Education
Palgrave Macmillan
Princeton University
University of California, Berkeley
Indiana University
New York University
CNRS Éditions
Science and literature
Poetry and poetics
Literary analysis
Metaphors; analogies
Alighieri, Dante
Darwin, Erasmus
Blake, William
Frost, Robert
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Hardy, Thomas
Time Periods
Early modern
18th century
19th century
Great Britain
United States
Académie Royale des Sciences (France)
Lichfield Botanical Society

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