Book ID: CBB579239127

Vinyl records and analog culture in the digital age: pressing matters (2016)


Winters, Paul E. (Author)

Lexington Books
Publication date: 2016
Language: English

Publication Date: 2016
Physical Details: 191

"Vinyl Records and Analog Culture in the Digital Age: Pressing Matters" examines the resurgence of vinyl record technologies in the twenty-first century and their place in the history of analog sound and the recording industry. It seeks to answer the questions: why has this supposedly outmoded format made a comeback in a digital culture into which it might appear to be unwelcome? Why, in an era of disembodied pleasures afforded to us in this age of cloud computing would listeners seek out this remnant of the late nineteenth century and bring it seemingly back from the grave? Why do many listeners believe vinyl, with its obvious drawbacks, to be a superior format for conveying music to the relatively noiseless CD or digital file? This book looks at the ways in which music technologies are both inflected by and inflect human interactions, creating discourses, practices, disciplines, and communities. (Amazon)

Reviewed By

Review Vest, J. Martin (April 2019) Review of "Vinyl records and analog culture in the digital age: pressing matters". Technology and Culture (pp. 654-655). unapi

Citation URI

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Authors & Contributors
Jones, Steve
Korczynski, Marek
Birdsall, Carolyn
Brown, Barry
Jones, Keith
Krebs, Stefan
American Sociological Review
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
Labour History Review
New Media & Society
Popular Music and Society
MIT Press
Amsterdam University Press
Oxford University Press
Technology and music
Popular culture
Sound Recording Industry
Sound studies
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
20th century, late
20th century, early
United States
Great Britain

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