Kimani S. K. Nehusi (Advisor)
Evans, Jazmin Antwynette (Author)
Scientific Racism was a method used by some to legitimize racist social thought without any compelling scientific evidence. This study seeks to identify, through the Afrocentric Paradigm, some of these studies and how they have influenced the modern western institution of medicine. It is also the aim of this research to examine the ways Africans were exploited by the western institution of medicine to progress the field. Drawing on The Post Traumatic Slave Theory, I will examine how modern-day Africans in America are affected by the experiences of enslaved Africans.
Christopher D. E. Willoughby;
Masters of health : Racial science and slavery in U.S. medical schools
Farber, Paul Lawrence;
Mixing Races: From Scientific Racism to Modern Evolutionary Ideas
Smith, Kimberly K.;
African American Environmental Thought: Foundations
Martin Summers;
Madness in the City of Magnificent Intentions: A History of Race and Mental Illness in the Nation's Capital
Anne Pollock;
Sickening: Anti-Black Racism and Health Disparities in the United States
Anthony Ryan Hatch;
Blood Sugar: Racial Pharmacology and Food Justice in Black America
Long, Margaret Geneva;
Doctoring Freedom: The Politics of African American Medical Care in Slavery and Emancipation
Gabriel N. Mendes;
Under the Strain of Color: Harlem's Lafargue Clinic and the Promise of an Antiracist Psychiatry
Alexandra Cornelius-Diallo;
“More Approximate to the Animal”: Africana Resistance and the Scientific War Against Black Humanity in Mid-Nineteenth Century America
Leahy, Mark Henderson;
The Mockery of Nature: Blackface Minstrel Humor and Race Science in Nineteenth-Century America
Leslie A. Schwalm;
Medicine, science, and making race in Civil War America
Kristi M. Simon;
The Controversy Surrounding Slave Insanity: The Diagnosis, Treatment and Lived Experience of Mentally Ill Slaves in the Antebellum South
Christopher D. Willoughby;
Pedagogies of the Black Body: Race and Medical Education in the Antebellum United States
Wailoo, Keith;
How Cancer Crossed the Color Line
Reed, Adam Metcalfe;
Mental Death: Slavery, Madness and State Violence in the United States
David Chanoff;
Louis W. Sullivan;
We'll Fight It Out Here: A History of the Ongoing Struggle for Health Equity
Sarah McDonald Lime;
Policing Black Bodies across the Atlantic: Examining German and American Anti-Black Racism
Jennifer L. Morgan;
Laboring Women: Reproduction and Gender in New World Slavery
Charlton D. McIlwain;
Black Software: The internet and racial justice, from the AfroNet to Black Lives Matter
Vanessa Northington Gamble;
“Sisters of a Darker Race”: African American Graduates of the Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1867–1925
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