Tenn, Joseph S. (Author)
The Astronomy Genealogy Project (AstroGen), a project of the Historical Astronomy Division of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), will soon appear on the AAS website. Ultimately, it will list the world's astronomers with their highest degrees, theses for those who wrote them, academic advisors (supervisors), universities, and links to the astronomers or their obituaries, their theses when online, and more. At present the AstroGen team is working on those who earned doctorates with astronomy-related theses. We show what can be learned already, with just ten countries essentially completed.
Joseph S. Tenn;
The Astronomy Genealogy Project Is Ten Years Old: Here Are Ten Ways You Can Use It
Petr Žabička;
Miloš Pacek;
Cataloguing and Presentation Tools for Old Maps and Map Series
Andrea Reichenberger;
How to Teach History of Philosophy and Science: A Digital Based Case Study
Rosenzweig, Roy;
Clio Wired: The Future of the Past in the Digital Age
Grant Ramsey;
Charles H. Pence;
evoText: A new tool for analyzing the biological sciences
Marvel, Kevin B.;
The Journals of the American Astronomical Society
The American Astronomical Society's first century
Osterbrock, Donald E.;
The minus first meeting of the American Astronomical Society: Williams Bay, Wisconsin, 1897
American Astronomical Society, ;
Abt, Helmut A.;
Centennial Issue of the Astrophysical Journal
Foster, Steven;
Jacob Bigelow's American Medical Botany: Digital Reissue Illuminates Access to Rare Work
Hunter, Michael;
Littleton, Charles;
The work-diaries of Robert Boyle: A newly discovered source and its Internet publication
Rumsey, David;
Historical Maps Online
Essay Review
Hatch, Robert Alan;
Clio Electric: Primary Texts and Digital Research in Pre-1750 History of Science
Young, John T.;
Report: Newton on the Net: An Update
Migl, Joachim;
Feld, Cordula;
Digitalisierung wissenschaftshistorisch relevanter Werke des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts aus dem Bestand der SUB Göttingen/ Digitisation of Source Material of the 18th and Early 19th Centuries Relating to the History of the Humanities and the Sciences
Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical: An Electronic Index
van Wyhe, John;
Basman, Antranig;
The Launch and Reception of Darwin Online
Ragep, F. Jamil;
Ragep, Sally P.;
The Islamic Scientific Manuscript Initiative (ISMI). Towards a Sociology of the Exact Sciences in Islam
Egmond, Florike;
The Clusius Project: Carolus Clusius and Sixteenth-Century Botany in the Context of the New Cultural History of Science
Schmidgen, Henning;
Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg;
Circulations: A Virtual Laboratory and Its Elements
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