Allen, Madeleine Marie Parra (Author)
Muncy, Robyn (Advisor)
This thesis explores the history of the mental patients’ liberation movement in the 1970s-1980s. It shows how psychiatric survivors successfully contested the power and legitimacy of psychiatry via mutual support and self-help; activism as a grassroots social movement; and the creation of alternate conceptions of madness and patient-controlled alternatives to the mental health system. Ex-patients utilized their distinct knowledge to make the personal political, moving beyond the critiques of anti-psychiatrists, to fight psychiatric abuses such as electroshock and forced drugging. It covers the movement’s tactics, most successful local and national activism, and cross-movement alliances – especially its anti-incarceration work with the prisoners’ rights movement. It offers a nuanced understanding of the tensions that led to the movement’s fracturing, and argues that activists adapted by retaining a “tempered liberation focus” that enabled them to work towards change and human rights within the psychiatric system while remaining true to their original liberatory goals.
Jonathan Toms;
MIND, Anti-Psychiatry, and the Case of the Mental Hygiene Movement’s ‘Discursive Transformation’
Alejandra Golcman;
Legitimar psiquiatras antes que curar pacientes. Las terapias de shock en Buenos Aires, Argentina (1930-1970)
Sammet, Kai;
Gute Arbeit: “pflichtmäßige Führung” und “höhere Anforderungen”: Beurteilungsmuster des Wärterverhaltens und die Einführung des Non Restraint in der Charité in den 1860er Jahren
Alexander Dunst;
Madness in Cold War America
Sylvelyn Hahner-Rombach;
Karen Nolte;
Patients and Social Practice of Psychiatric Nursing in the 19th and 20th Century
Susannah Cahalan;
The Great Pretender: The Undercover Mission That Changed Our Understanding of Madness
Johann Louw;
Building a Mental Hospital in Apartheid South Africa
Borges, Viviane Trindade;
Um “depósito de gente”: as marcas do sofrimento e as transformações no antigo Hospital Colônia Sant'Ana e na assistência psiquiátrica em Santa Catarina, 1970--1996
Andrew Scull;
"Community Care": Historical Perspective on Deinstitutionalization
Lynne Jones;
Outside the Asylum: A Memoir of War, Disaster and Humanitarian Psychiatry
Barbara Taylor;
The Last Asylum: A Memoir of Madness in our Times
Murray, Heather;
“My Place Was Set At The Terrible Feast”: The Meanings of the “Anti-Psychiatry” Movement and Responses in the United States, 1970s--1990s
Majerus, Benoît;
Psychiatrie im Wandel. Das Fallbeispiel Karl-Bonhoeffer-Nervenklinik (1960--1980)
Taylor, Barbara;
The Demise of the Asylum in Late Twentieth-Century Britain: A Personal History
Hilton, Claire;
The Provision of Mental Health Services in England for People over 65 Years of Age, 1970--78
Suputtamongkol, Saipin;
Technicians of the Soul: Insanity, Psychiatric Practice, and “Culture-Making” in Southern Italy
Shorter, Edward;
Healy, David;
Shock Therapy: A History of Electroconvulsive Treatment in Mental Illness
Foth, Thomas;
Shock Therapies as Intensification of the War against Madness in Hamburg, Germany: 1930--1943
Kragh, Jesper Vaczy;
Shock Therapy in Danish Psychiatry
Gabriella Romano;
Il caso di G. La patologizzazione dell'omosessualità nell'Italia fascista
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