Book ID: CBB573542059

Renaissance fun : the machines behind the scenes (2021)


Philip Steadman (Author)

UCL Press
Publication date: 2021
Language: English

Publication Date: 2021
Physical Details: 397

Renaissance Fun is about the technology of entertainment in the forms of stage machinery, theatrical special effects, gardens, fountains, automata, and self-playing musical instruments from the Renaissance. How did the machines behind these shows work? How exactly were chariots filled with singers let down onto the stage? How were flaming dragons made to fly across the sky? How were seas created on stage? How did mechanical birds imitate real birdsong? What was “artificial music,” three centuries before Edison and the phonograph? How could pipe organs be driven and made to play themselves by waterpower alone? And who were the architects, engineers, and craftsmen who created these wonders? While this book is offered as entertainment in itself, it also offers a more serious scholarly argument centered on the enormous influence of Vitruvius and Hero, two ancient writers who composed on the subject. (Publisher)

Reviewed By

Review Luciano Boschiero (2022) Review of "Renaissance fun : the machines behind the scenes". Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (pp. 251-253). unapi

Review Wendy C. Nielsen (2022) Review of "Renaissance fun : the machines behind the scenes". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 654-655). unapi

Review Joseph Wachelder (January 2022) Review of "Renaissance fun : the machines behind the scenes". Technology and Culture (pp. 239-241). unapi

Citation URI

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Authors & Contributors
Blair, Ann
Casali, Elide
Gattei, Stefano
Lemerle, Frédérique
Long, Pamela O.
Omodeo, Pietro Daniel
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
Business History Review
Journal of Global History
Cornell University Press
Edinburgh University Press
Technology and culture
Science and religion
Galilei, Galileo
Kepler, Johannes
Brahe, Tycho
Descartes, René
Newton, Isaac
Time Periods
16th century
17th century
Early modern
18th century
19th century
Czech Republic

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