Hubbard, Joshua A. (Author)
This article examines responses to high rates of infant mortality in China’s northwestern province of Gansu during the Nationalist decades (1927–1949). Based on public health reports for both government and popular audiences, this article argues that the problem of Gansu’s especially high infant mortality rate was constructed to serve a particular political and economic agenda, drawing heavily not only from fascist ideals but also the logic of foreign philanthropists and Nationalist technocrats. Once established, the facts of this problem and its cause remained stubbornly invulnerable to new evidence. The article makes two primary contributions. First, it brings to light actors and institutions largely absent in existing scholarship on medicine and public health in Republican China. Second, it cautions against treating infant mortality rates referenced in the historical record as dispassionate measures of life and death. Rather, these purported facts affirm the value ascribed to reproductive health and its relevance for particular political aims.
Nicolas Schillinger;
Microbic Mass Destruction - Biological Warfare and Epidemic Prevention in Republican China
Margaret E. MacDonald;
(March 2021)
Misoprostol: The Social Life of a Life-saving Drug in Global Maternal Health
Agnes R Howard;
Changing Expectation: Prenatal Care and the Creation of Healthy Pregnancy
Perkins, Barbara Bridgman;
The Medical Delivery Business: Health Reform, Childbirth, and the Economic Order
Francesca Arena;
Trouble dans la maternité: Pour une histoire des folies puerpérales, XVIIIe-XXe siècles
Matteo Manfredini;
Marco Breschi;
Alessio Fornasin;
Stanislao Mazzoni;
Sergio De lasio;
Alfredo Coppa;
Maternal Mortality in 19th- and Early 20th-century Italy
Di Lu;
Local Food and Transnational Science: New Boundary Issues of the Caterpillar Fungus in Republican China
Jia-Chen Fu;
Houses of Experiment: Making Space for Science in Republican China
Stéphanie Homola;
La relation de maître à disciple en question : transmission orale et écrite des savoirs divinatoires en Chine et à Taïwan
Jan Kiely;
Spreading the Dharma with the Mechanized Press: New Buddhist Print Cultures in the Modern Chinese Print Revolution, 1866–1949
Ling Shiao;
Culture, Commerce, and Connections: The Inner Dynamics of New Culture Publishing in the Post-May Fourth Period
Shen, Grace;
Periodical Space: Language and the Creation of Scientific Community in Republican China
Robert Culp;
Reading and Writing Zhejiang Youth: Local Textual Economies and Cultural Production in Republican Jiangnan
Hu, Shen;
Li, Zhiping;
Heihe Animal Quarantine Bureau: The First Entry-Exit Animal Quarantine Organization Established by the Government of the Republic of China
Elman, Benjamin A.;
Toward a History of Modern Science in Republican China
Michael Shiyung Liu;
Epidemic Control and Wars in Republican China (1935-1955)
Lincoln Chen;
Ling Chen;
China's Exceptional Health Transitions: Overcoming the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Bridie Andrews;
Mary Brown Bullock;
Medical Transitions in Twentieth-Century China
Volker Scheid;
Sean Hsiang-Lin Lei;
The Institutionalization of Chinese Medicine
Miriam Gross;
Kawai Fan;
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