de Jong, Theo (Author)
Zuidervaart, Huibert Jan (Author)
This article is devoted to the scholarly achievements of Johannes Hudde, who in the late seventeenth century was one of the most influential mayors of Amsterdam. Already in his years as a student at Leiden University, Hudde became renowned as a very skilled mathematician. Coming from an elite Amsterdam family, it was his destiny to become a magistrate in the service of the city of Amsterdam. He also occupied the office of Director of the Dutch East India Company VOC. In these high posi- tions Hudde stimulated many technical innovations, for instance concerning the quality, quantity and supply of water in Amsterdam; the introduction of street lighting; the improvement of fire hoses and much more. His enlightened ideas also gave rise to fairly moderate points of view. Several con- troversial ideas could be published without obstruction during Hudde’s time as one of Amsterdam’s ‘Burgemeesters’.
Jonathan Israel;
Spinoza, Radical Enlightenment, and the General Reform of the Arts in the Later Dutch Golden Age: The Aims of Nil Volentibus Arduum
Tiemen Cocquyt;
Marvin Bolt;
Michael Korey;
Hudde en zijn gesmolten microscooplensjes
Eric Jorink;
Huib Zuidervaart;
Inleiding: Johannes Hudde (1628–1704), ‘groot ende onvergelykelyk wiskunstenaar’
Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis;
Hudde, de wiskunde en de stad
Rienk Vermij;
Huddes Specilla circularia
Wiep van Bunge;
Hudde en Spinoza: waarom er maar één God is
Angela Vanhaelen;
The moving statues of seventeenth-century Amsterdam: automata, waxworks, fountains, labyrinths
Margócsy, Dániel;
Commercial Visions: Science, Trade, and Visual Culture in the Dutch Golden Age
Günter Schilder;
Early Dutch Maritime Cartography: The North Holland School of Cartography (c. 1580 – C. 1620)
Nicolaije, Tim;
Dwaasheid of retoriek? Cornelis van Leeuwen en de “Belachelijke Geometristen”
Marieke van Delft;
Een bijzondere aankoop voor de KB: Huddes Specilla circularia
Marc Hameleers;
Kaarten van Amsterdam: Gedetailleerde kaarten van Amsterdam: productie en gebruik van grootschalige, topografische kaarten, vol 3
Wouter Ryckbosch;
Wout Saelens;
Fuelling the urban economy: A comparative study of energy in the Low Countries, 1600–1850
Zuidervaart, Huib J.;
Het in 1658 opgerichte Theatrum Anatomicum te Middelburg. Een medisch-wetenschappelijk & cultureel convergentiepunt in een vroege stedelijke context
Meerkerk, Edwin van;
In Search of Contact Periodicals, Communication Strategies, Enlightenment in the Netherlands
Buisman, J. W.;
Verlichting in Nederland 1650--1850: vrede tussen rede en religie?
Zuidervaart, H. J.;
Gent, Robert H. van;
Between Rhetoric and Reality: Instrumental Practices at the Astronomical Observatory of the Amsterdam Society “Felix Meritis”, 1786--1889
Darryl Cressman;
Building Musical Culture in Nineteenth-Century Amsterdam: The Concertgebouw
Angela Vanhaelen;
Mapping Angels in Early Modern Amsterdam
Emde Boas, Peter van;
Evert Marie Bruins (1909--1990): intelligent, productief en controversieel
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