Thesis ID: CBB565813369

The Arabic Version of Galen's De elementis ex Hippocratis sententia 1–5 (2020)


This dissertation is a study of the ninth-century Graeco-Arabic translation of Galen's De elementis ex Hippocratis sententia 1–5 (= Elem.). The dissertation has two main objectives. (a) The first objective is to produce an Arabic text that is the closest possible approximation — to the extent to which the material allows — to the uniquely defined original translation. Concomitant with this first objective has been the production of the following materials accompanying the Arabic text: (i) two critical apparatuses to the Arabic text (main and supplementary); (ii) a critical apparatus to the Greek original; (iii) a quotations register; and (iv) further annotations to the text, recording parallels, sources etc. An appendix is devoted to the examination of Greek and Arabic scholia and commentaries related to Elem. (b) A second objective of the dissertation is to contribute to the methodology of textual criticism, especially for the purposes of text-reconstruction in the context of open manuscript traditions. Accordingly, in order to attain objective (a) the manuscript tradition of the Arabic version of Elem. is subjected to two complementary approaches, both of them species of the distributional genus — one is stemmatic/genealogical, the other (stemma-free) is numerical/statistical. Both approaches are common-error based: the former focuses on common errors that characterize subsets of extant and inferred manuscripts; the latter focuses on the statistics of pairwise common errors between extant manuscripts. Thereby an evaluative policy is derived that assists in determining on distributional grounds the text of the archetype (or the original, depending the case) in indeterminate passages, i.e. passages in which intrinsic criteria fail to determine the original between rival readings. The logic underlying both procedures is made evident so as to facilitate applicability to other manuscript traditions. Additionally, an appendix is devoted to testing a coefficient derived by A. Kleinlogel that may assist in determining formally the relative position of sub-stemmata with respect to the archetype. Therefrom a first approximation to the stemma is obtained on the basis of a hierarchical clustering procedure.

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Authors & Contributors
Garofalo, Ivan
Overwien, Oliver
al-`Ibadi, Hunayn ibn Ishaq
Boudon-Millot, Véronique
Burnett, Charles
Buzzi, Serena
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Brigham Young University Press
Greek language
Arabic language
Linguistics; philology
al-`Ibadi, Hunayn ibn Ishaq
'Ali ibn Ridwan
ben Samuel, Hillel
Dioscorides, Pedanios
Time Periods
13th century
Rome (Italy)

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