Article ID: CBB561180717

Constructing Representations of Germs in the Twentieth Century (2019)


The development of germ theories of disease was reliant on the exchange of representations and descriptions of microorganisms. Visual properties were critical in establishing a shared understanding of agents of disease and their causal role. However, historians have yet to explore in detail the representation of microorganisms aimed at audiences beyond specialists. The public visual culture of germs offers a new window through which to understand health campaigns, their motivations, and intended audiences. We argue that still and moving images of germs made visible social anxieties surrounding health, race, class, and national security in ways not yet recognised.

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Authors & Contributors
Barry, Stéphane
Hüppauf, Bernd
Kehrwald, Kevin Jay
Larson, Barbara
Lozano, Sonia
Maienschein, Jane A.
Archives of Natural History
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Chemical Heritage
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
History and Technology
Journal of the History of Biology
University of Chicago
Purdue University (Lafayette, Indiana)
Indiana University
Cornell University Press
Germ theory of disease
Visual representation; visual communication
Pasteur, Louis
Cipriani, Lidio
Jacobi, Abraham
Lister, Joseph, Baron
Margulis, Lynn
Krzemieniewski, Seweryn Józef
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
United States
Great Britain

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