Maw, Peter (Author)
Solar, Peter M. (Author)
Aidan Kane (Author)
John S. Lyons (Author)
This article analyses the improvement of cotton-spinning technologies in the years after the great inventions of Hargreaves, Arkwright, and Crompton. While these ‘macro-inventions’ have attracted considerable historical attention, our understanding of the major changes in types and sizes of spinning machines used in the UK between the 1780s and the onset of state-collected factory statistics in the 1830s is still largely based on the experience of high-profile firms or specific technologies and regions. A new dataset of 1,465 machinery advertisements published in newspapers in England, Scotland, and Ireland between 1780 and 1835 allows us to examine the temporal and spatial dimensions of the market for cotton-spinning machinery, the timings of transitions between different spinning machines, and increases in machine size. The article demonstrates the importance of post-invention technical improvements in the cotton industry, showing that the productivity increases associated with the initial transition from hand to machine spinning have been overstated and that larger gains were made in the ‘micro-invention’ phase, when spinning machines became larger and faster, and required fewer workers to operate them.
Cooke, Anthony;
The Rise and Fall of the Scottish Cotton Industry, 1778--1914: “The Secret Spring”
Leslie Hannah;
Robert Bennett;
Large-scale Victorian manufacturers: Reconstructing the lost 1881 UK employer census
Markku Lehtonen;
Brand New or More of the Same Nuclear? (De)Constructing the Economic Promise of the European Pressurised Reactor in France and the UK
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Mark Dodgson;
(Summer 2019)
Designing for Innovation: Cooperation and Competition in English Cotton, Silk, and Pottery Firms, 1750–1860
Thomson, Ross;
Structures of Change in the Mechanical Age: Technological Innovation in the United States, 1790--1865
Ravshonbek Otojanov;
Roger Fouquet;
Brigitte Granville;
Factor prices and induced technical change in the industrial revolution
Žmolek, Michael Andrew;
Rethinking the Industrial Revolution: Five Centuries of Transition from Agrarian to Industrial Capitalism in England
Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane;
Garcon, Anne-Francoise;
Les chemins de la nouveauté: innover, inventer au regard de l'histoire
Saxonhouse, Gary R.;
Wright, Gavin;
National Leadership and Competing Technological Paradigms: The Globalization of Cotton Spinning, 1878--1933
Owens, Harry P.;
Steamboats and the Cotton Economy: River Trade in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta
Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R.;
Navigation and Newsprint: Advertising Longitude Schemes in the Public Sphere, ca. 1715
Popp, Richard K.;
Information, Industrialization, and the Business of Press Clippings, 1880--1925
Murphy, John Paul;
Energy, Mining, and the Commercial Success of the Newcomen “Steam” Engine
Tetsuji Okazaki;
Designing wartime economic controls: Productivity and firm dynamics in the Japanese cotton spinning industry, 1937–9
Carl-Henry Geschwind;
A Comparative History of Motor Fuels Taxation, 1909-2009: Why Gasoline Is Cheap and Petrol Is Dear
Lamoreaux, Naomi R.;
Sokoloff, Kenneth Lee;
Financing Innovation in the United States, 1870 to the Present
Phelps, Edmund S.;
Mass Flourishing: How Grassroots Innovation Created Jobs, Challenge, and Change
Phillips, William H.;
The Democratization of Invention in the American South: Antebellum and Postbellum Technology Markets in the United States
Alessandro Nuvolari;
Michelangelo Vasta;
The Italian National Innovation System: A Long-term Perspective, 1861-2011
Choi, Eugene K.;
Reconsidering the Innovations in the Meiji Cotton Spinners' Growth Strategy for Global Competition
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