Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana Maria (Author)
Waisse, Silvia (Author)
Ferraz, Marcia H. M. (Author)
The balsams are among the most enigmatic and fascinating substances known from antiquity to the present time due to their fragrant smell and alleged wonderful healing properties. Although it is traditionally held that modern pharmacological methods of studying drugs only emerged in the 19th century after the isolation of the first vegetal active principles, the experimental approach was already in practice in the 1700s. In the case of balsams, the most recent 18th century chemical notions and methods were applied, leading to a more accurate definition of balsams as well as experimentally-grounded theories to account for their properties, among which, those developed by Hermann Boerhaave (1768-1738) and Friedrich Hoffmann (1660-1742) had the highest influence on the community of scholars. Both showed in the laboratory that balsams had two principles: an oily one that served as vehicle for a volatile one. The latter, called Spiritus Rector by Boerhaave, was the one determining the properties of the balsams. This ―dualistic theory‖ became the prevailing one until the end of the century, when Friedrich Albrecht Carl Gren (1760-1798) joined together both principles – the oily and the volatile one – within the one category of ―ethereal oils‖.
Cunningham, Andrew;
French, Roger;
The medical enlightenment of the 18th century
John Edmondson;
Charles Deering (c. 1690–1749): Author of an Early Flora of Nottingham
Zelle, Carsten;
Experiment, Observation, Self-observation. Empiricism and the “Reasonable Physicians” of the Early Enlightenment
Ruben E. Verwaal;
Bodily Fluids, Chemistry and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Boerhaave School
Klein, Ursula;
Experimental History and Herman Boerhaave's Chemistry of Plants
Murray Mylechreest;
Thomas Andrew Knight (1759-1838) and the Application of Experimentation to Horticulture
Parke, Emily C.;
Flies from Meat and Wasps from Trees: Reevaluating Francesco Redi's Spontaneous Generation Experiments
Olga Elina;
Plants, Private Estates, and Public Assistance: Development of Plant Experimentation in Russia, 18th – 19th Centuries
Doina-Cristina Rusu;
Using Instruments in the Study of Animate Beings: Della Porta's and Bacon's Experiments with Plants
Brigitte Hoppe;
Nicolas Robin;
Introductory Comments – Experimentation in Plant Sciences from the Enlightenment to the 19th Century
Alix Cooper;
Placing Plants on Paper: Lists, Herbaria, and Tables as Experiments with Territorial Inventory at the Mid-seventeenth-century Gotha Court
Dana Jalobeanu;
Spirits Coming Alive: The Subtle Alchemy of Francis Bacon’s Sylva Sylvarum
Sandra Calkins;
Between the Lab and the Field: Plants and the Affective Atmospheres of Southern Science
Luigi Guerrini;
Experiment, Observation, and Anatomy in Federico Cesi's Botanical Researches
Dana Jalobeanu;
Oana Matei;
Treating Plants as Laboratories: A Chemical Natural History of Vegetation in 17th-Century England
Richards, Richard A.;
Darwin's Experimentalism
Eleni Manolaraki;
Hebraei Liquores: The Balsam of Judaea in Pliny’s Natural History
Seils, Markus;
Friedrich Albrecht Carl Gren in seiner Zeit, 1760-1798: Spekulant oder Selbstdenker?
Sherry Wilding-White;
The Abbot-Downing Company and the Concord Coach (Photo Essay)
Christine Fonda;
New Hampshire IA Sites on the National Register of Historic Places (Photo Essay)
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