Giulio Maspero (Author)
The III and the IV centuries were marked by a noteworthy development of the Christian thought on Logos driven by the theological need to distinguish in a clear way the Creator and His creatures. In fact, Logos is a key concept in the formulation of the relationship between God and world. From this perspective a fil rouge connects Origen, Eusebius of Caesarea and Gregory of Nyssa. In this development essential metaphysical issues come into play, the ontological value assigned to relation in particular. For this process Origen's contribution was essential, because he showed the impossibility to apply to God the distinction between Logos prophorikos and Logos endiathetos and developed an analogical understanding of the divine Logos and logos in man.
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Relation as Key to God's Knowledge of Particulars in the Tahāfut Al-Tahāfut and the Ḍamīma: A Cross-Talk between Averroes, Al-Ġazālī and Avicenna
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Medicina ed epistemologia relazionale nel pensiero di Gregorio di Nissa
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Il Logos nella Tarda Antichità
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Descartes, el atomista veleidoso, o los indivisibles siempre llaman dos veces
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Evagrius and Gregory: Mind, Soul and Body in the 4th Century
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Copernicus Banned: The Entangled Matter of the anti-Copernican Decree of 1616
Essay Review
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The Middle Ages and Modern Science
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Imbach, R.;
Schneider, U. J.;
Selderhuis, H. J.;
Vera doctrina. Zur Begriffsgeschichte der Lehre von Augustinus bis Descartes
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Documenti sulla messa all’Indice delle opere di Henry More (1698-1703)
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Threats to the Christian Cosmos. The Reckless Assault on the Heavens and the Debate over Hell
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La "pestis" nei Medicinalium Libri VII di Tommaso Campanella tra medicina, magia e metafisica
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Baruch Spinoza. La ragione, la libertà, l'idea di Dio e del mondo nell'epoca della borghesia e delle nuove scienze
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Beyond Aristotle … and Beyond Newton: Thomas Aquinas on an Infinite Creation
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Niederberger, Andreas;
Philosophie und Physik zwischen Notwendigem und Hypothetischem Wissen zur Wissenstheoretischen Bestimmung der Physik in der Philosophia des Wilhelm von Conches
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