Article ID: CBB547991757

The art of Democedes and Atossa's oath (Hdt. 3, 133) (2023)


Giorgianni, Franco (Author)

Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Pages: 9-26
Publication date: 2023
Language: English

My interest in the long account that Herodotus (Histories III 125; 129-137) gives of the biographical vicissitudes of the physician Democedes of Croton (VI-V century BC) arises from the examination of some terms (the adverb ἀτρεκέως and the compound verb ἐξορκόω) which define the ways in which, in Herodotus’ representation, the doctor-patient relationship must necessarily be worked out in order to be able to speak of true medical art. In the narrative of Democedes’ forced stay at the Persian court, there stands out the clinical story of Queen Atossa, Darius’ wife: with her Democedes established a relationship of trust as a physician based on respect for her prerogatives as a female patient. From a detailed comparison between Herodotus’ testimony and some documents of Hip- pocratic medicine, a marked consonance, or even coincidence, emerges of terms and concepts that identify principles and values that the physician from Croton already shares with a significant part of the tradition of thought that lies at the origins of the Hippocratic Oath, as we know it in its historical form. It can be concluded that the ethics of Democedes and of the Hippocratic physician speak the same language.

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Authors & Contributors
Overwien, Oliver
Buzzi, Serena
Calá, Irene
Cañizares, Pilar Pérez
Fortuna, Stefania
Garofalo, Ivan
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Greek language
Ecdotics; source study (methodology)
Linguistics; philology
Physicians; doctors
Hippocrates of Cos
John of Alexandria
Soranus of Ephesus
Time Periods
18th century
19th century
20th century
Mediterranean region

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