Book ID: CBB547346755

Les spheres, les astres et les theologiens: L'influence celeste entre science et foi dans les commentaires des Sentences (2021)


Sorokina, Maria (Author)

Brepols Publishers
Publication date: 2021
Language: French

Publication Date: 2021
Physical Details: 1300

Pour la totalite des savants medievaux, les spheres et astres causent de multiples phenomenes terrestres, des evenements meteorologiques jusqu'aux changements dans le corps humain. Mais qu'en disent les theologiens ? Ce livre propose la premiere reconstitution de la theorie de l'influence celeste a partir d'une analyse exhaustive du corpus des commentaires des Sentences (v. 1220-v. 1340). Non seulement ces auteurs adherent a la doctrine de la causalite celeste, mais aussi ils pronent une approche originale. D'une part, ils traitent de l'influence ordinaire, celle des corps superieurs connus des astronomes: son etendue, ses mecanismes, ses limites. D'autre part, ils depeignent une influence hors normes, celle des spheres, des planetes et des etoiles dont l'existence est postulee par la foi chretienne: le ciel empyree, demeure des bienheureux, ou les corps celestes metamorphoses par l'Apocalypse. Dotes, a premiere vue, de proprietes contraires a l'ordre naturel, ces cieux sont neanmoins decrits avec la philosophie naturelle aristotelicienne. La theologie s'adapte donc a la science, mais en renouvelant cette derniere: en englobant le cas des cieux atypiques, la theorie de l'influence celeste en ressort profondement modifiee. Il s'agit, peut-etre, d'une cle pour comprendre l'innovation du savoir scientifique medieval et, peut-etre, pour penser les evolutions scientifiques ulterieures. [For most medieval scientists, the spheres and stars cause a wide range of terrestrial phenomena, from meteorological events to changes in the human body. But what do theologians have to say? This book offers the first reconstruction of the theory of celestial influence, based on an exhaustive analysis of the corpus of commentaries on the Sentences (c. 1220-v. 1340). Not only do these authors adhere to the doctrine of celestial causality, they also advocate an original approach. On the one hand, they deal with the ordinary influence of superior bodies known to astronomers: its extent, mechanisms and limits. On the other hand, they depict an extraordinary influence, that of the spheres, planets and stars whose existence is postulated by the Christian faith: the empyrean sky, abode of the blessed, or the celestial bodies metamorphosed by the Apocalypse. Endowed, at first glance, with properties contrary to the natural order, these heavens are nonetheless described in accordance with Aristotelian natural philosophy. Theology thus adapts to science, but in a new way: by including the case of atypical heavens, the theory of celestial influence is profoundly modified. This may well be the key to understanding the innovation of medieval scientific knowledge and, perhaps, to thinking about future scientific developments.]

Reviewed By

Review H. Darrel Rutkin (2022) Review of "Les spheres, les astres et les theologiens: L'influence celeste entre science et foi dans les commentaires des Sentences". Vivarium: Journal for Mediaeval Philosophy and the Intellectual Life of the Middle Ages (pp. 395-400). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Carroll, William E.
Blum, Paul Richard
Bussey, Peter J.
Damanti, Alfredo
Ernst, Germana
Gaukroger, Stephen W.
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
Science and Christian Belief
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Journal for the History of Astronomy
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Catholic University of America
Taylor & Francis
Brepols Publishers
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura
Science and religion
Natural philosophy
Thomas Aquinas, Saint
Descartes, René
Galilei, Galileo
Kepler, Johannes
Brahe, Tycho
Time Periods
17th century
16th century
13th century
18th century
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

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