Eisler, Matthew Nicholas (Author)
Regulating environmental outcomes without stipulating the technologies to accomplish them is a characteristically American form of governmental intervention. This approach aims to encourage industry to address public-policy concerns while minimizing interference in its affairs. However, California's zero-emission-vehicle mandate of 1990 implied the development of specific technologies with highly disruptive sociotechnical effects. The most practical zero-emission vehicle of the day was the all-battery electric vehicle, a technology characterized by the temporal mismatch of its components. Batteries have shorter life-spans than electric motors, a durability dilemma that rewards battery-making. In response, General Motors and Toyota devised strategies to mitigate this risk that involved mediating the technology of the Ovonic Battery Company.
Samuel Milner;
(Summer 2018)
Review of unknown publication
Jacob Anbinder;
(Autumn 2018)
Selling the World: Public Relations and the Global Expansion of General Motors, 1922–1940
Matthew Wisnioski;
Eric S. Hintz;
Marie Stettler Kleine;
Does America Need More Innovators?
Daniel Newman;
(June 2017)
Automobiles and Socioeconomic Sustainability: Do We Need a Mobility Bill of Rights?
Matthew N. Eisler;
(April 2017)
Exploding the Black Box: Personal Computing, the Notebook Battery Crisis, and Postindustrial Systems Thinking
B. Zorina Khan;
Inventing ideas : patents, prizes, and the knowledge economy
Markus Flüggen;
Die Eigenkapitalrentabilität deutscher Industrieaktiengesellschaften 1925–1929 (The Return on Equity of German Industrial Stock Corporations 1925–1929)
Teresa da Silva Lopes;
Andrea Lluch;
Gaspar Martins Pereira;
(Summer 2020)
The Changing and Flexible Nature of Imitation and Adulteration: The Case of the Global Wine Industry, 1850–1914
Rupert Pichler;
Innovationen in grossen Unternehmen: Hubert Hauttmann - eine österreichische Karriere in der Industrieforschung (Innovations in large companies: Hubert Hauttmann - an Austrian career in industrial research)
Roberts, Joanne;
Luxury, Craft, Creativity, and Innovation
Denise Tsang;
(Autumn 2021)
Innovation in the British Video Game Industry since 1978
Leslie Berlin;
Troublemakers: Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age
Geoffrey Jones;
Profits and Sustainability: A History of Green Entrepreneurship
Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra;
Automating Finance: Infrastructures, Engineers, and the Making of Electronic Markets
Luci Marzola;
Engineering Hollywood : Technology, technicians, and the science of building the studio system
Moses E. Ochonu;
Entrepreneurship in Africa: A Historical Approach
Wolpin, Stewart;
(Winter 2007)
Hold the Phone
Christian Henrich-Franke;
Innovationsmotor Medientechnik – Von der Schreibmaschine zur «Mittleren Datentechnik» bei der Siemag Feinmechanische Werke (1950 bis 1969). [Media technology as a driver of innovation - From the typewriter to "medium data technology" at Siemag Feinmechanische Werke (1950 to 1969)]
David Farber;
Crack: Rock Cocaine, Street Capitalism, and the Decade of Greed
Daniel A. Crane;
(Winter 2019)
A Premature Postmortem on the Chicago School of Antitrust
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