Article ID: CBB540548872

An Unusual Kind of Town: Cattle Disease, Zoonosis, and Public Health in Colonial Salaga (Northern Ghana) (2020)


In the early decades of colonial rule (1900 to c.1930), Salaga, a town in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast (present-day Ghana), experienced frequent outbreaks of anthrax, a zoonotic disease of cattle and humans. This article examines this unusual incidence of cattle diseases in a commercial town that was not even located in the Sudan savannah belt in the Northern Territories, ideal for livestock. The article argues that at the turn of the twentieth century, Salaga, a town that had prospered in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as a major entrepot for slaves and kola nut, found itself without a major trade commodity. In response to a revolt of the people of eastern Gonja against Asante rule, Asante after 1874 moved its kola trade from Salaga south to Kintampo. The declaration of the Northern Territories as a British Protectorate in 1900 ended the trade in slaves. Salaga decided to rebuild its local economy on cattle trade, as the caravan trade that had brought slaves down from the Niger Bend and Hausaland also brought cattle. This pitted the merchants and residents of Salaga against the colonial administration, that had designated the Northern Territories a labor reserve for the south. This economic conflict, and the irregular cattle herding and slaughtering practices at Salaga gave entry to cattle diseases as a major public health hazard and turned colonial veterinary knowledge and policy into contested sites. Resolution came from 1930, as the colonial government showed new commitment to developing the Northern Territories as a zone for cattle export and gained local endorsement of colonial veterinary science.

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Authors & Contributors
Mishra, Saurabh
Osseo-Asare, Abena Dove Agyepoma
Anderson, Warwick H.
Antunes, José Leopoldo Ferreira
Biazevic, Maria Gabriela Haye
Brown, Karen
Medical History
Agricultural History
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Environment and History
Environmental History
Health and History
Harvard University
Taylor & Francis
Boydell Press
Duke University Press
Manchester University Press
University of California, San Francisco
Veterinary medicine
Public health
Great Britain, colonies
Disease and diseases
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
18th century
21st century
West Africa

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