Doroshow, Deborah Blythe (Author)
In the 1930s, children who were violent, depressed, psychotic, or suicidal would likely have been labeled delinquent and sent to a custodial training school for punitive treatment. But starting in the 1940s, a new group of institutions embarked on a new experiment to salvage and treat severely deviant children. In the process, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers at these residential treatment centers (RTCs) made visible, and indeed invented, a new patient population. This article uses medical literature, popular media, and archival sources from several RTCs to argue that staff members created what they called the “emotionally disturbed” child. While historians have described the identification of the mildly “troublesome” child in child guidance clinics, I demonstrate how a much more severely ill child was identified and defined in the process of creating residential treatment and child mental health as a professional enterprise.
Mayes, Rick;
Bagwell, Catherine;
Erkulwater, Jennifer L.;
Medicating Children: ADHD and Pediatric Mental Health
Steven Taylor;
Child Insanity in England, 1845-1907
Hutchison, Iain;
Institutionalization of Mentally-Impaired Children in Scotland, c.1855--1914
Schnier, Elke Brigitte;
Zur geschichtlichen Entwicklung der psychosozialen Versorgung seelisch erkrankter Kinder und Jugendlicher in Lübeck seit 1900
Molina, Andrés Ríos;
“Dictating the Suitable Way of Life”: Mental Hygiene for Children and Workers in Socialist Mexico, 1934--1940
Menefee, Joan Kuulei;
Decoding Distraction: Attention in American Culture, 1871--1916
Smith, Matthew;
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“And Neither Have I Wings to Fly”: Labelled and Locked up in Canada's Oldest Institution
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El niño problema como objeto institucional: la psiquiatría infantil en Cuba, 1926-1945
Morgese, Giorgia;
Ester Acito;
The Study of Childhood Mental Illness in the Twentieth Century Journal «Infanzia Anormale»
Han, Alysia Young;
Children's Mental Health in the United States: The Development of Child Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins, 1890--1945
Nelson, Karin Zetterqvist;
Sandin, Bengt;
Psychodynamics in Child Psychiatry in Sweden, 1945--85: From Political Vision to Treatment Ideology
Matthew Smith;
Hyperactive Around the World? The History of ADHD in Global Perspective
Carlo Maggini;
Riccardo Dalle Luche;
An overview on Hebephrenia, a diagnostic cornerstone in the neurodevelopmental model of Schizophrenia
Steven J. Taylor;
‘She Was Frightened While Pregnant by a Monkey at the Zoo’: Constructing the Mentally-imperfect Child in Nineteenth-century England
Nelleke Bakker;
From talking cure to play- and group-therapy: outpatient mental health care for children in the Netherlands c. 1945–70
Taylor, Steven J.;
Insanity, Philanthropy and Emigration: Dealing with Insane Children in Late-Nineteenth-Century North-West England
Doroshow, Deborah Blythe;
Emotionally Disturbed Residential Treatment, Child Psychiatry, and the Creation of Normal Children in Mid-Twentieth Century America
Ji-Hye Shin;
“Insanity Is the Price of Modern Civilization”: The Discourse of Civilization and the Asian Insane in Modern America
Segrest, Mab;
Exalted on the Ward: “Mary Roberts,” the Georgia State Sanitarium, and the Psychiatric “Speciality” of Race
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