Viano, Cristina (Author)
The colour black is frequently found in the corpus of Greco-Alexandrian alchemists. This paper examines not only the role of this colour in the various descriptions of the stages of transmutation, but also its relationship with both the name and the very origin of alchemy. The question of the relationship between the “black work” and the etymology of chêmeia, the Greek term for the alchemical art, has not yet been resolved. On the basis of a few key texts, I will analyze from this angle the issue of the “alchemical black” and I will eventually argue that chêmeia derives from the ancient name of Egypt, “the Black”, and indicates a corpus of knowledge which has its beginnings in the land of Egypt, namely, a complete set of doctrines and practices for manipulating matter, among which the transformation of metals is included.
Matteo Martelli;
Transmuting tinctures. Water of sulphur, quicklime, and ‘washes’ in Graeco-Egyptian alchemy
Vinzenz Brinkmann;
Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann;
Tracking blue. Some remarks on blue colour materials in the polychromy of ancient Greek sculpture
Maria Michela Sassi;
A few remarks on the relationship between materials, technology and colour experience in ancient Greece
Gil Gambash;
Beatrice Pestarino;
David E. Friesem;
From murex to fabric: The Mediterranean purple
Matteo Martelli;
Medicine in early Graeco-Egyptian alchemical texts (1st-3rd century AD)
Fuchs, Robert;
Die Erfindung der Farbherstellung in der Antike: Farbpigmente im Alten Ägypten bis zu den Griechen und Römern (The invention of color production in antiquity: color pigments in ancient Egypt to the Greeks and Romans)
Francesco Lopez;
Il "pigmento verde" nel trattamento delle ferite: Un confronto tra i papiri medici egizi ed il Corpus hippocraticum sull'impiego in medicina del verderame
Eduardo A. Escobar;
Colour and cultural maintenance in ancient Babylonia: Contextualizing wool dye recipe BM 62788 + BM 82978
Gabriella Bevilacqua;
Oro, argento e pietre di colore: Alcuni esempi di amuleti medici
Berke, Heinz;
Wiedemann, Hans G.;
The Chemistry and Fabrication of the Anthropogenic Pigments Chinese Blue and Purple in Ancient China
Shortland, A. J.;
The Use and Origin of Antimonate Colorants in Early Egyptian Glass
Effie Photos-Jones;
Pigments giving more than colour: The case of Lemnian earth or miltos
Vinzenz Brinkmann;
Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann;
Preliminary considerations on the aesthetics and narration of ancient Greek and Roman bronze sculpture. Three case studies and two experiments
Giovanni Verri;
Hariclia Brecoulaki;
«From the face and the expression of the eyes»: Multidisciplinary studies of pigments in ancient Greek and Roman painted surfaces
Beretta, Marco;
The Alchemy of Glass: Counterfeit, Imitation and Transmutation in Ancient Glassmaking
Fabienne Meiers;
Historical Outline and Chromatic Properties of Purpura Rubra Tarentina and Its Potential Identification with Purple Dye Extracted from Bolinus Brandaris
Garrigós i Oltra, Lluís;
Identificación del color reflejado mediante patrones generados por superposición de filtros a principios del siglo XX: el analizador de Kallab
Daniela Cavallo;
"Trini colores, candidus primo, mox rubens, maturis niger" (Nat. 15, 97). Alberi, colori, medicina: Suggestioni dai libri 15 e 23 della Naturalis Historia di Plinio il Vecchio
Alberto Jori;
La teoria aristotelica dei colori tra fisica e fisiologia
Franco Giorgianni;
Colori dell'eros nella Grecia antica
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