Epstein, Steven G. (Author)
STS scholars frequently have shown how science and sociopolitical arrangements are ‘co-produced’, typically tracing how scientific actors themselves keep ‘science’ and ‘politics’ far apart. Revealing co-production is therefore deemed the work of the STS analyst, who unearths linkages that the actors might be unaware of, or might ignore or deny. By contrast, the creation of a new chapter on ‘sexual health’ in the recent revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) offers a case of what might be termed ‘cultivated co-production’. Neither oblivious to the linkages between science and politics nor invested in obscuring them, the designers of the sexual health chapter sought support for their work by demonstrating, transparently, how science, ethics, and human rights might properly be aligned. The intentional and visible character of co-production in this case indicates awareness of the need to manage the contested nature of gender and sexuality at a transnational level. It also reflects two changes in the organization of medical politics and medical classification: a widespread recognition of the necessity of reaching out to lay stakeholders and advocates, and the rise of an emphasis on ‘conventions’ as the backbone of transnational biomedical consensus processes.
Ioana Popa;
(December 2021)
Internationalized science and human rights activism during the late Cold War: The French Committee of Mathematicians
Huneman, Philippe;
Lambert, Gérard;
Silberstein, Marc;
Classification, Disease, and Evidence: New Essays in the Philosophy of Medicine
Les Levidow;
Davis Sansolo;
Monica Schiavinatto;
Agroecological innovation constructing socionatural order for social transformation: Two case studies in Brazil
Michael Clormann;
Nina Klimburg-Witjes;
Troubled Orbits and Earthly Concerns: Space Debris as a Boundary Infrastructure
Cook, Brian R.;
Kesby, Mike;
Fazey, Ioan;
Spray, Chris;
(October 2013)
The persistence of ‘normal’ catchment management despite the participatory turn: Exploring the power effects of competing frames of reference
Sigrid Vertommen;
Vincenzo Pavone;
Michal Nahman;
(January 2022)
Global Fertility Chains: An Integrative Political Economy Approach to Understanding the Reproductive Bioeconomy
Sebastián Ureta;
Selling the sociotechnical sublime: Critical reflections on introducing STS to managers of a Chilean mining corporation
Prince, Brian D.;
The Metaphysics of Bodily Health and Disease in Plato's Timaeus
Ulrike Steinert;
Systems of Classification in Premodern Medical Cultures: Sickness, Health, and Local Epistemologies
Dagmar Herzog;
Unlearning Eugenics: Sexuality, Reproduction, and Disability in Post-Nazi Europe
Austin Bryan;
“Security begins with you”: compulsory heterosexuality, registers of gender and sexuality, and transgender women getting by in Kampala, Uganda
Bronwyn Parry;
(January 2018)
The Social Life of “Scaffolds” Examining Human Rights in Regenerative Medicine
Benedict Douglas;
(January 2018)
The mtDNA of Human Rights
Leah DeVun;
The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance
Greta LaFleur;
Masha Raskolnikov;
Anna Kłosowska;
Trans Historical: Gender Plurality Before the Modern
Colin Michael Egenberger Halverson;
(June 2019)
Standards and legacies: Pragmatic constraints on a uniform gene nomenclature
van Heur, Bas;
Leydesdorff, Loet;
Wyatt, Sally;
(June 2013)
Turning to ontology in STS? Turning to STS through ‘ontology’
Maayan Sudai;
(February 2022)
‘A woman and now a man’: The legitimation of sex-assignment surgery in the United States (1849–1886)
Or Rabinowitz;
Yehonatan Abramson;
(April 2022)
Imagining a ‘Jewish atom bomb’, constructing a scientific diaspora
Mathangi Krishnamurthy;
(March 2020)
Navigating the Body Multiple: Biomedicine, Genetics, and Sex/Gender in the Lives of CAH Patients (Research Note)
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