Lloyd, Stephanie (Author)
Alexandre Larivée (Author)
In this article, we trace shifting narratives of trauma within psychiatric, neuroscience, and environmental epigenetics research. We argue that two contemporary narratives of trauma – each of which concerns questions of time and psychopathology, of the past invading the present – had to be stabilized in order for environmental epigenetics models of suicide risk to be posited. Through an examination of these narratives, we consider how early trauma came to be understood as playing an etiologically significant role in the development of suicide risk. Suicide, in these models, has come to be seen as a behavior that has no significant precipitating event, but rather an exceptional precipitating neurochemical state, whose origins are identified in experiences of early traumatic events. We suggest that this is a part of a broader move within contemporary neurosciences and biopsychiatry to see life as post: seeing life as specific form of post-traumatic subjectivity.
Enric J. Novella;
Alexandre Brierre De Boismont and the Limits of the Psychopathological Gaze
Giuseppe Migliorini;
Ermanna Lazzarin;
La schizofrenia nel pensiero di Ferdinando Barison. Profilo storico scientifico di un illustre psichiatra padovano del XX secolo
Beatrice Dema;
La lingua nella storia della psichiatria moderna e contemporanea
Allegra R. P. Fryxell;
Psychopathologies of Time: Defining Mental Illness in Early 20th-Century Psychiatry
Jansson, Åsa;
From Statistics to Diagnostics: Medical Certificates, Melancholia, and “Suicidal Propensities” in Victorian Psychiatry
Biess, Frank;
Gross, Daniel M;
Science and Emotions after 1945: A Transatlantic Perspective
Frank W. Stahnisch;
Die Neurowissenschaften in Straßburg zwischen 1872 und 1945. Forschungstätigkeiten zwischen politischen und kulturellen Zäsuren
Luca Frigerio;
Le emozioni e l'alienismo: Giovanni Clerici (1799-1868)
Michael R. Trimble;
The Intentional Brain: Motion, Emotion, and the Development of Modern Neuropsychiatry
J. Cutting;
Max Scheler’s Theory of the Hierarchy of Values and Emotions and Its Relevance to Current Psychopathology
Diane Miller Sommerville;
Aberration of Mind: Suicide and Suffering in the Civil War-Era South
Pezeshk, Banafsheh Violet;
Etiology of autism: A critical review
Wilson, Daniel J.;
Psychological Trauma and Its Treatment in the Polio Epidemics
“Abwehr”, “Widerstand” und “kulturelle Neuorientierung”. Zu Re-Konfigurationen der Traumaforschung bei zwangsemigrierten deutschsprachigen Neurologen und Psychiatern
Jones, Edgar;
“LMF”: The Use of Psychiatric Stigma in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War
Matteo Borri;
La psichiatria europea e il fronte
Kloocke, Ruth;
Schmiedebach, Heinz-Peter;
Priebe, Stefan;
Psychische Ereignisse -- organische Interpretationen: Traumakonzepte in der deutschen Psychiatrie seit 1889
Wu, Harry Yi-Jui;
(cited 2012)
Transnational Trauma: Trauma and Psychiatry in the World and Taiwan, 1945--1995
Howard Carlton;
Cosmology and the Scientific Self in the Nineteenth Century: Astronomic Emotions
Luis César Sanfelippo;
Vías cruzadas para la psicologización del trauma en los saberes médicos de fin del siglo XIX
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