Book ID: CBB534059302

Flying Camelot: The F-15, the F-16, and the Weaponization of Fighter Pilot Nostalgia (2021)


Michael W. Hankins (Author)

Cornell University Press
Publication date: 2021
Language: English

Publication Date: 2021
Edition Details: Book Series: Battlegrounds : Cornell studies in military history
Physical Details: 280

Flying Camelot brings us back to the post-Vietnam era, when the US Air Force launched two new, state-of-the art fighter aircraft: the F-15 Eagle and the F-16 Fighting Falcon. It was an era when debates about aircraft superiority went public - and these were not uncontested discussions. Michael W. Hankins delves deep into the fighter pilot culture that gave rise to both designs, showing how a small but vocal group of pilots, engineers, and analysts in the Department of Defense weaponized their own culture to affect technological development and larger political change. The design and advancement of the F-15 and F-16 reflected this group's nostalgic desire to recapture the best of World War I air combat. Known as the "Fighter Mafia," and later growing into the media savvy political powerhouse "Reform Movement," it believed that American weapons systems were too complicated and expensive, and thus vulnerable. The group's leader was Colonel John Boyd, a contentious former fighter pilot heralded as a messianic figure by many in its ranks. He and his group advocated for a shift in focus from the multi-role interceptors the Air Force had designed in the early Cold War towards specialized air-to-air combat dogfighters. Their influence stretched beyond design and into larger politicized debates about US national security, debates that still resonate today. A biography of fighter pilot culture and the nostalgia that drove decision-making, Flying Camelot deftly engages both popular culture and archives to animate the movement that shook the foundations of the Pentagon and Congress.

Reviewed By

Review Thomas C. Lassman (2023) Review of "Flying Camelot: The F-15, the F-16, and the Weaponization of Fighter Pilot Nostalgia". Technology and Culture (pp. 250-252). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Fino, Steven A.
Alison, John
Frandsen, Bert
Gusterson, Hugh
Head, William P.
Kalic, Sean N.
Air Power History
Johns Hopkins University Press
Oxford University Press
Osprey Publishing
Cornell University Press
MIT Press
Smithsonian Books
Military technology
Aircraft; airplanes
Technology and war; technology and the military
Air warfare
Cold War
National security
Eisenhower, Dwight David
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
20th century, late
20th century, early
United States
People's Republic of China
Saudi Arabia
United States Air Force (USAF)
United States. Department of Defense
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
United States. Army
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
Northrop Grumman Corporation

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