Julie De Groot (Author)
How did citizens in Bruges create a home? What did an ordinary domestic interior look like in the sixteenth century? And more importantly: how does one study the domestic culture of bygone times by analysing documents such as probate inventories? These questions seem straightforward, yet few endeavours are more challenging than reconstructing a sixteenth-century domestic reality from written sources. This book takes full advantage of the inventory and convincingly frames household objects in their original context of use. Meticulously connecting objects, people and domestic spaces, the book introduces the reader to the rich material world of Bruges citizens in the Renaissance, their sensory engagement, their religious practice, the role of women, and other social factors. By weaving insights from material culture studies with urban history, At Home in Renaissance Bruges offers an appealing and holistic mixture of in-depth socio-economic, cultural and material analysis. In its approach the book goes beyond heavy-handed theories and stereotypes about the exquisite taste of aristocratic elites, focusing instead on the domestic materiality of Bruges’ middling groups. Evocatively illustrated with contemporary paintings from Bruges and beyond, this monograph shows a nuanced picture of domestic materiality in a remarkable European city.
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Michael Arnold;
Martin Gibbs;
Bjorn Nansen;
Rowan Wilken;
Digital Domesticity: Media, Materiality, and Home Life
Kira Jürjens;
(March 2021)
Ein weiteres Kleid – Zur Wissensgeschichte häuslich-textiler Umgebungen im 19. Jahrhundert (A More Ample Garment—Domestic Textiles and Environmental Knowledge in the Nineteenth Century)
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Gershom Bulkeley, “Saltbox Science,” and the Colonial New England Laboratory
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A culture of curiosity: Science in the eighteenth-century home
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The Black Living Room
Veit, Helen Zoe;
Modern Food, Moral Food: Self-Control, Science, and the Rise of Modern American Eating in the Early Twentieth Century
Lahey, Anita;
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The Better Clothspin
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Renaissance personhood : Materiality, taxonomy, process
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Catharine Beecher and the Mechanical Body: Physiology, Evangelism, and American Social Reform from the Antebellum Period to the Gilded Age
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Rublack, Ulinka;
Burkart, Lucas;
Christine Göttler;
Materialized identities in early modern culture, 1450-1750: objects, affects, effects
Elizabeth LaCouture;
Dwelling in the World: Family, House, and Home in Tianjin, China, 1860–1960
Ezio Zanini;
L'arte del legno tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Tecniche e segreti nelle botteghe dei falegnami
Ezio Zanini;
Legno e falegnameria tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. Storia, materiali, tecniche e utensili
Colin Dupont;
Creating Philip II’s Vision: Urbs and Civitas in the Town Maps of Jacob van Deventer (1558–1575)
Mark Aldrich;
The Rise and Decline of the Kerosene Kitchen: A Neglected Energy Transition in Rural America, 1870–1950
Martín Tironi;
Matías Valderrama;
Experimenting with the Social Life of Homes: Sensor Governmentality and Its Frictions
Thomas C. Hubka;
How the working-class home became modern, 1900-1940
Patton, Elizabeth;
(April 2019)
Where Does Work Belong? Home-Based Work and Communication Technology within the American Middle-Class Postwar Home
Canepari, Eleonora;
Cohabitations, Household Structures, and Gender Identities in Seventeenth-Century Rome
Williams, Amrys O.;
FOOD: Transforming the American Table, 1950--2000: National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
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