The Spanish colonization dramatically interrupted the autonomous development of ancient Mesoamerican culture. Nevertheless, indigenous societies learnt to live with the conquest. It was not only a time of crisis, but also an extraordinary creative time period in which material culture reflected indigenous people’s varied responses and adaptations to the changing circumstances. This works presents insights into the process of cultural continuity and change in the indigenous world by focusing on pottery technology of Central Mexico region during the early colonial period (ad 1521–1650). The analysis is based on the integration of previous research on ceramics, as well as on the consulting of several archaeological collections of early colonial ceramics from many contexts in the Valley of Mexico. These materials show that after the conquest the pre-Hispanic ceramic tradition persisted. The collapse of the Aztec empire, the new colonial society and the introduction of the Spanish ceramic tradition (e.g., potters’ wheel, glazing and majolica ware) did impact native technology, but the various dimensions of ceramic-making reacted in different ways. Clay recipes, method of forming and firing technology were maintained without change. In contrast, surface finishing and decoration evidenced great creativity.
...MoreBook Corinne L. Hofman; Keehnen, Floris W.M. (2019) Material encounters and indigenous transformations in the early colonial Americas : Archaeological case studies.
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