Master, Sharad (Author)
The Ruwenzori Mountains, in Equatorial Africa, straddling the border between Uganda and D.R. Congo, were equated by H.M. Stanley in 1890 with Claudius Ptolemy’s legendary Mountains of the Moon (2nd century CE). Initially thought to be volcanic, they were shown to be composed of schists and diabase by F. Stuhlmann in 1894. The Ruwenzori Central High Peaks were first mapped geologically by A. Roccati during the 1906 Italian expedition of the Duke of Abruzzi. During the Belgian Ruwenzori Expedition of 1932, P. Michot mapped imbricated thrusts on the Congolese side. In 1951-1952, W.Q. Kennedy led a British geological and glaciological expedition to the Ruwenzoris. Discovery of the Kilembe Cu-Co deposit (Uganda) partly spurred further exploration by teams from Leeds and Belgium. Since 2007 multidisciplinary research teams, from Mainz (Germany), studied the Ruwenzoris and Western Rift. The accelerating recession of Ruwenzori’s glaciers is of continued interest.
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