Article ID: CBB516660603

A Contribution to Better Understand the Therapeutic Incubatory Rituals Within the Greek Antiquity (2023)


Renato Berti (Author)

Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Volume: 35
Issue: 3
Pages: 193-202
Publication date: 2023
Language: English

In this paper the whole historical, structural, and psychological aspects of the incubatory rituals practiced within the Asklepieia will be deep-in examinated. The paper will start with an introductory remark on Hellenic incubation practice (1) to then move on to sequence and analyze the rituals associated with the cult considered (2) to highlight the state of mind they sought to induce in sufferers. Section (3) will be mostly focused on the connection between the ancient medicine and dreams, whilst the following section (4) analyzes a possible direct connection between theater and the dreaming world. Then, through comparison with a present-day incubatory cult (5) and the contribution derived from some modern psychological theories (6), we will try to formulate a plausible hypothesis (7) about the functional properties of such liturgies with reference to their ability to mobilize the deep energies of pilgrims, aimed at achieving healing from the physical and psycho-physical ills that afflicted them or at solving other pressing problems.

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Authors & Contributors
Burnett, Charles
Csepregi, Ildikó
Ferraces Rodríguez, Arsenio
Flemming, Rebecca
Gayon, Jean
Holowchak, Mark A.
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
History of Psychiatry
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Editrice Morcelliana
Ashgate Publishing
LIT Verlag
Plus, Pisa University Press
Presses Universitaires de France
SISMEL edizioni del Galluzzo
Medicine and religion
Science and religion
Asclepius of Epidaurus
Gregory of Nyssa, Saint
Hippocrates of Cos
Methodius of Olympus
Theodoret of Cyrus
Time Periods
6th century
Early modern
2nd century
6th century, B.C.
Rome (Italy)
Alexandria (Egypt)
Persia (Iran)
Mediterranean region

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