Peter Smithurst (Author)
Firth’s were the first of the Sheffield steel makers to enter the field armaments. Their involvement with Colt has been outlined in an article in the journal of the Colt Collectors Association in America and their activities as steelmakers to the small-arms industries has been covered in a previous issue of this Journal. This article gives a brief overview of their involvement as manufacturers in the field of heavy armaments, being the first to make all-steel guns and their evolving role in the use of steel for ordnance, culminating in the displacement of wrought iron by the adoption of steel for ordnance manufacture by the Royal Gun Factory in the 1880s. It also highlights their development of stainless steel in this context.
Peter G. Smithurst;
Thomas Firth and Sons – Steelmakers to the Arms Industries. Part 2: Heavy Armaments
Dan Spencer;
The Tower of London and Firearms in the Reign of Edward IV
Pestre, Dominique;
Deux siècles d'histoire de l'armement en France: De Gribeauval à la force de frappe
Emmanuel de Crouy-Chanel;
Le canon : Moyen Age Renaissance; (Cannon from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance)
David Williams;
A St-Étienne Made Pattern 1853 Rifle Musket
Kahanov, Yaacov;
Stern, Eliezer;
Cvikel, Deborah;
Me-Bar, Yoav;
Between Shoal and Wall: The Naval Bombardment of Akko, 1840
Pruitt, Bettye Hobbs;
Yost, Jeffrey R.;
Timken: From Missouri to Mars: A century of leadership in manufacturing
Jan-Otmar Hesse;
Vom Röhren-Manager zum Verteidigungs-Staatssekretär und zurück: Der mehrfache Seitenwechsel von Ernst Wolf Mommsen (Revolving Doors: Ernst Wolf Mommsen’s journey from a Tube Manager to Under-Secretary of State for Defence and back)
Collins, Steven G.;
(January 2013)
Yankee Ingenuity in the South: James Burton and Confederate Ordnance Production
Philip Magrath;
Ordnance, B.L., 18-inch Howitzer, Mark I: The Last of the Super-Heavies
Misa, Thomas J.;
Procurement: Steel and armor plate industry
Tobias Capwell;
Armour of the English knight, 1400-1450
Richardson, Thom;
The King and the Astronaut
Petter Wulff;
A Steel Disc and Its Consequences
Peter Smithurst;
Thomas Firth and Sons — Steelmakers to the Arms Industry Part 1 — Smallarms — Enfield, Government Contractors and Others
Peter Kasurak;
Canada's Mechanized Infantry: The Evolution of a Combat Arm, 1920–2012
Earl J. Hess;
Civil War Field Artillery: Promise and Performance on the Battlefield
Steven A. Walton;
The West Point Foundry in Larger Perspective
Kahraman Şakul;
General Observations on the Ottoman Military Industry, 1774–1839: Problems of Organization and Standardization
Peter Goodwin;
The Practice and Power of Firing Broadsides in British Men of War During the Age of Fighting Sail
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