Sattelmacher, Anja (Author)
Has the history of film digitization ever been incorporated in questions of evidence and knowledge production? The digitization of thousands of films from the former Institute for Scientific Film (IWF) that is currently underway gives an occasion to think about the provenance and reuses of filmic images as well as the ways in which they claim to produce scientific (or in this case, historical) evidence. In the years between 1956 and 1960, the German Social Democrat, historian and filmmaker Friedrich “Fritz” Terveen initiated a film series that used historical found film footage in order to educate university students about contemporary history. The first small series of films was entitled Airship Aviation in Germany which consisted of four short films using found footage of zeppelin flights, of which the earliest images stem from around 1904 and the latest from 1937, the moment of the “Hindenburg disaster.” This article explores how Terveen sought to shape the political landscape of history teaching in the new Federal Republic of Germany by first setting up nation-wide visual archives to host historical film documents, and secondly by seeking to improve the political education of a new generation of young Germans with the aid of the moving image.
Anja Sattelmacher;
Shuffled Zeppelin Clips: The Flight and Crash of LZ 129 Hindenburg in the Archives
Johannes Hess;
Die Automatisierung des Lesens. Lesemaschinen in der Briefpostautomation ca. 1960–2000 als eine Geschichte der Digitalisierung (The Automation of Reading. Reading Machines in Mail Automation ca. 1960–2000 as a History of Digitization)
Heidi Schweickert;
Echtzeit im Verhältnis von Mensch und Maschine. Die Relevanz von Echtzeit für den Wandel von Arbeit und in der Digitalisierung (Real-time in the Relationship Between Man and Machine. The Importance of Real-time for the Transformation of Work and in Digitalization)
Christian Reiß;
Shooting Chicken Embryos: The Making of Ludwig Gräper’s Embryological Films, 1911–1940
Brandt, Christina;
Casser, Anja;
Populärkultur und Wissenschaft: Science-Fiction und populäres Bild als Medien der Wissenschaftskommunikation
Gavan McCarthy;
The Correspondence of Ferdinand Von Mueller: From Nineteenth Century Paper to Twenty First Century Data
Anna-Luna Post;
Andreas Weber;
Notes on the Reviewing of Learned Websites, Digital Resources, and Tools
Nicholas John Wyatt;
Digitising Charles Babbage at the Science Museum, London: Managing Expectations, Enabling Access
Emily Zinger;
‘Just put it online’: The Taylor White project as a digitization case study
Thomas, Will;
The Array of Contemporary American Physicists is Online
Krebs, Stefan;
Fengler, Silke;
In celluloidgewittern: Die mediale konstruktion von wissenschaft und technik als paradigma des ersten weltkrieges
Ledebur, Sophie;
Ein Blick in die Tiefe der Seele: Hypnose im Kultur- und Lehrfilm (1920--1936)
Rall, Veronika;
Wahnsinnige Bilder -- Zu einer medialen Wissensgeschichte des Psychischen um 1900
Andreas Killen;
Homo Cinematicus: Science, Motion Pictures, and the Making of Modern Germany
Arnd Kluge;
Genossenschaftliche Belletristik (Co-operative Fiction)
Thomas Sokoll;
Zwerge am Fuße des Riesen: Max Webers ‚Protestantische Ethik‘ und die historische Forschung [Dwarfs at the Foot of the Giant: Max Weber's 'Protestant Ethics' and Historical Research]
Schröder, Ernst;
Bondoni, Davide;
Parafrasi schröderiane: ovvero Ernst Schröder, le operazioni del calcolo logico
Hulverscheidt, Marion A.;
On the History of the Transmission of the Fleckfebermanuscriptby Joachim Mrugowsky
Schmalhausen, Ivan I.;
Hoßfeld, Uwe;
Olsson, Lennart;
Levit, Georgy S.;
Breidbach, Olaf;
Ivan I. Schmalhausen: Die Evolutionsfaktoren
Beddies, Thomas;
Hübener, Kristina;
Dokumente zur Psychiatrie im Nationalsozialismus
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