Wendy Sims-Schouten (Author)
This article critically analyses correspondence and decisions regarding children/young people who were included in the Canadian child migration schemes that ran between 1883 and 1939, and those who were deemed ‘undeserving’ and outside the scope of the schemes. Drawing on critical realist ontology, a metatheory that centralises the causal non-linear dynamics and generative mechanisms in the individual, the cultural sphere, and wider society, the research starts from the premise that the principle of ‘less or more eligibility’ lies at the heart of the British welfare system, both now and historically. Through analysing case files and correspondence relating to children sent to Canada via the Waifs and Strays Society and Fegan Homes, I shed light on the complex interplay between morality, biological determinism, resistance, and resilience in decisions around which children should be included or excluded. I argue that it was the complex interplay and nuance between the moral/immoral, desirable/undesirable, degenerate, and capable/incapable child that guided practice with vulnerable children in the late 1800s. In judgements around ‘deservedness’, related stigmas around poverty and ‘bad’ behaviour were rife. Within this, the child was punished for his/her ‘immoral tendencies’ and ‘inherited traits’, with little regard for the underlying reasons (e.g. abuse and neglect) for their (abnormal) behaviour and ‘mental deficiencies’.
Wendy Sims-Schouten;
Paul Weindling;
“All emigrants are up to the physical, mental, and moral standards required”: A tale of two child rescue schemes
Cornelia Lambert;
Barefoot children in a ‘fine room’: Robert Owen, Adam Smith, and social regeneration in Scotland
Stacie Burke;
Building Resistance: Children, Tuberculosis, and the Toronto Sanatorium
Kathleen Bachynski;
No Game for Boys to Play: The History of Youth Football and the Origins of a Public Health Crisis
Pâquet, Martin;
Boivin, Jérôme;
La mesure fait loi. La doctrine de l'hygiène mentale et les tests psychométriques au Québec pendant l'entre-deux-guerres
Braden Hutchinson;
Making (Anti)Modern Childhood: Producing and Consuming Toys in Late Victorian Canada
Gleason, Mona Lee;
Small Matters: Canadian Children in Sickness and Health, 1900--1940
Gleason, Mona;
Between Education and Memory: Health and Childhood in English-Canada, 1900--1950
Giovanni Cerro;
Tra natura e cultura. Degenerazione, eugenetica e razza in Giuseppe Sergi (1841-1936)
Wood, James Anthony;
(cited 2012)
Natural Guardians of the Race: Heredity, Hygiene, Alcohol, and Degeneration in Scottish Psychiatry, c. 1860--1920
Heggie, Vanessa;
Lies, Damn Lies, and Manchester's Recruiting Statistics: Degeneration as an “Urban Legend” in Victorian and Edwardian Britain
Stahnisch, Frank;
The Early Eugenics Movement and Emerging Professional Psychiatry: Conceptual Transfers and Personal Relationships between Germany and North America, 1880s to 1930s
Lawrence, Christopher;
Degeneration under the Microscope at the fin se siècle
Geoffrey Cantor;
Thompson, Biographer
David Ceccarelli;
Theistic evolution and evolutionary ethics: Henry Fairfield Osborn and Huxley’s legacy
Elisabeth M. Yang;
Constructing Moral Babies: The Medical and Scientific Enterprise of Infancy in America, 1850s–1920s
Brittany Luby;
From Milk-Medicine To Public (Re)Education Programs: An Examination Of Anishinabek Mothers’ Responses To Hydroelectric Flooding In The Treaty #3 District, 1900–1975
Nina Vestberg;
Seeing, Saving, and Remembering Barnardo’s Children: Technologies of Access and Preservation in Historical Research
Denyse Baillargeon;
Les rapports médecins-infirmières et l'implication de la Métropolitaine dans la lutte contre la mortalité infantile, 1909–53
Margaret Porter;
Lucia Ferretti;
Histoire de l'hôpital Sainte-Anne de Baie-Saint-Paul
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