Higuchi, Toshihiro (Author)
Yamazaki, Masakatsu (Author)
Article Hiroshi Ichikawa (2015) Radiation Studies and the Soviet Scientists in the Second Half of the 1950's. Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan (pp. 78-93).
Article Toshihiro Higuchi (2015) The Strange Career of Dr. Fish: Yoshio Hiyama, Radioactive Fallout, and Nuclear Fear Management in Japan, 1954‒1958. Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan (pp. 57-77).
Article Hamblin, Jacob Darwin; Linda M. Richards (2015) Beyond the Lucky Dragon: Japanese Scientists and Fallout Discourse in the 1950s. Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan (pp. 36-56).
Article Maika Nakao; Takeshi Kurihara; Masakatsu Yamazaki (2015) Yasushi Nishiwaki, Radiation Biophysics, and Peril and Hope in the Nuclear Age. Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan (pp. 8-35).
Henry Richard Maar III;
Freeze!: The Grassroots Movement to Halt the Arms Race and End the Cold War
Susan Colbourn;
Euromissiles: The Nuclear Weapons That Nearly Destroyed NATO
Gordin, Michael D.;
Red Cloud at Dawn: Truman, Stalin, and the End of the Atomic Monopoly
Essay Review
Olwell, Russell;
Two Views of Cassandra: Lawrence Badash, A Nuclear Winter's Tale; John Mueller, Atomic Obsession
Essay Review
Schweber, S. S.;
Wellerstein, Alex;
Pollock, Ethan;
Bernstein, Barton J.;
Gordin, Michael D.;
Contingencies of the Early Nuclear Arms Race
Austin R. Cooper;
The Tunisian request: Saharan fallout, US assistance and the making of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Roland, Alex;
Was the Nuclear Arms Race Deterministic?
David Bath;
Assured Destruction: Building the Ballistic Missile Culture of the U.S. Air Force
Christoph Becker-Schaum;
Philipp Gassert;
Martin Klimke;
Wilfried Mausbach;
The Nuclear Crisis: The Arms Race, Cold War Anxiety, and the German Peace Movement of the 1980s
Mark Wolverton;
Nuclear Weapons
Farmelo, Graham;
Churchill's Bomb: How the United States Overtook Britain in the First Nuclear Arms Race
Badash, Lawrence;
A Nuclear Winter's Tale: Science and Politics in the 1980s
Joshua T. Holloway;
Help, Hinder, or Hesitate: American Nuclear Policy toward the French and Chinese Nuclear Weapons Programs, 1961-1976
Michael R. Lehman;
Nuisance to Nemesis: Nuclear Fallout and Intelligence as Secrets, Problems, and Limitations on the Arms Race, 1940-1964
Sylvia Nickerson;
Taking a Stand: Exploring the Role of the Scientists prior to the First Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, 1957
Grattan-Guinness, Ivor;
Bertrand Russell (1872--1970), Man of Dissent
Brown, Andrew;
Keeper of the Nuclear Conscience: The Life and Work of Joseph Rotblat
Rowe, David E.;
Schulmann, Robert;
Einstein on Politics: His Private Thoughts and Public Stands on Nationalism, Zionism, War, Peace, and the Bomb
Paty, Michel;
Einstein et l'arme atomique: La responsabilité des scientifiques
Blavoukos, Spyros;
Bourantonis, Dimitris;
Calling the Bluff of the Western Powers in the United Nations Disarmament Negotiations, 1954--55
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