Caio Maximino (Author)
Psychopathology has been criticized for decades for its reliance on a brain-centred and over-reductionist approach which views mental disorders as disease-like natural kinds. While criticisms of brain-centred psychopathologies abound, these criticisms sometimes ignore important advances in the neurosciences which view the brain as embodied, embedded, extended and enactive, and as fundamentally plastic. A new onto-epistemology for mental disorders is proposed, focusing on a biocultural model, in which human brains are understood as embodied and embedded in ecosocial niches, and with which individuals enact particular transactions characterized by circular causality. In this approach, neurobiological bases are inseparable from interpersonal and socio-cultural factors. This approach leads to methodological changes in how mental disorders are studied and dealt with.
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The influence of Max Weber on the concept of empathic understanding (Verstehen) in the psychopathology of Karl Jaspers
Enric Novella Gaya;
El discurso psicopatológico de la modernidad: Ensayos de historia de la psiquiatría
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La lingua nella storia della psichiatria moderna e contemporanea
Raffaele Pisano;
Philippe Vincent;
Introduction: Methods and Cognitive Modelling in the History and Philosophy of Science–&–Education
Alexander Dunst;
Madness in Cold War America
Pickersgill, Martyn;
The Endurance of Uncertainty: Antisociality and Ontological Anarchy in British Psychiatry, 1950--2010
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Moreau de Tours: organicism and subjectivity. Part 2: Moreau as psychopathologist
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Jose M Villagrán Moreno;
Moreau de Tours: organicism and subjectivity. Part 1: Life and work
Mario Augusto Maieron;
1978-2018. The Basaglia Law forty years after
Katherine G. Parker;
Jordan L. Schaefer;
Brigid M. Ogden;
Rebecca J. Webster;
Climate Change and the Consequences of Underrepresentation in the Archaeological Record
Carmela Morabito;
Plastic Maps: The New Brain Cartographies of the 21th-Century Neurosciences: From Phrenological Heads to Connectomics
Talia Dan-Cohen;
(September 2016)
Ignoring Complexity: Epistemic Wagers and Knowledge Practices among Synthetic Biologists
Sabina Leonelli;
Brian Rappert;
Gail Davies;
(March 2017)
Data Shadows: Knowledge, Openness, and Absence (Special Issue Introduction)
Paola Govoni;
Territori naturali, tecnologici e sociali. Aggiornare le mappe integrando vecchi ponti, STS e studi di genere
Fabio Minazzi;
Storia e Filosofia della Scienza: una nuova alleanza?
Daniel Mason;
Honor Hsin;
‘A more perfect arrangement of plants’: the botanical model in psychiatric nosology, 1676 to the present day
Simon Lohse;
Scientific inertia in animal-based research in biomedicine
Thilo Wiertz;
(May 2016)
Visions of Climate Control: Solar Radiation Management in Climate Simulations
Mody, Cyrus C. M.;
Lynch, Michael;
Test Objects and Other Epistemic Things: A History of a Nanoscale Object
Heymann, Matthias;
Understanding and Misunderstanding Computer Simulation: The Case of Atmospheric and Climate Science---An Introduction
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