Book ID: CBB491977264

The Sound of Silence: Indigenous Perspectives on the Historical Archaeology of Colonialism (2019)


Äikäs, Tiina (Editor)
Salmi, Anna-Kaisa (Editor)

Berghahn Books
Publication date: 2019
Language: English

Publication Date: 2019
Physical Details: 236

Colonial encounters between indigenous peoples and European state powers are overarching themes in the historical archaeology of the modern era, and postcolonial historical archaeology has repeatedly emphasized the complex two-way nature of colonial encounters. This volume examines common trajectories in indigenous colonial histories, and explores new ways to understand cultural contact, hybridization and power relations between indigenous peoples and colonial powers from the indigenous point of view. By bringing together a wide geographical range and combining multiple sources such as oral histories, historical records, and contemporary discourses with archaeological data, the volume finds new multivocal interpretations of colonial histories.

Reviewed By

Review George Nicholas (2020) Review of "The Sound of Silence: Indigenous Perspectives on the Historical Archaeology of Colonialism". Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Barbosa, Benedito Costa
Bombardi, Fernanda Aires
Burnett, Kristin
Chambouleyron, Rafael
Chapman, Anne
Eamon, William C.
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Environmental history
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Cambridge University Press
Duke University Press
Indiana University Press
Pickering & Chatto
Indigenous peoples; indigeneity
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Science and race
Native American civilization and culture
Acosta, José de
Eden, Richard
Mandeville, John
Nye, Mary Jo
Zilsel, Edgar
Time Periods
Early modern
17th century
19th century
16th century
18th century
North America
South America
Latin America
United States
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

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