Article ID: CBB490379725

Hippocrates’ competitors: the healing heroes and the Thracian Rider (2020)


Parallel to the winning paradigm of Hippocratic medicine, a host of figures – healers, heroes, deities – accompanied the world of ancient medical practice. Among them is the "heros iatros," the Hero-doctor (or Heros the physician) mentioned in literary and epigraphical sources. This figure is here investigated and explained by way of the so-called Thracian Rider, a healing hero sometimes deified and made object of worship, portrayed while riding his horse in thousands of objects, mostly votives. It is further argued that some features of Athenian healing cults are to be interpreted as due to the influence of Thracian culture, and that the Apollo iatros often mentioned by the sources is also part of the same picture.

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Authors & Contributors
Ieraci Bio, Anna Maria
Buzzi, Serena
Cañizares, Pilar Pérez
Coughlin, Sean Michael Pead
Garofalo, Ivan
Giorgianni, Franco
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Editrice Morcelliana
Greek language
Linguistics; philology
Hippocratic medicine
Ecdotics; source study (methodology)
Hippocrates of Cos
John of Alexandria
Soranus of Ephesus
Time Periods
4th century
Mediterranean region

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