Article ID: CBB487888506

Ventilation for the Nation: Fresh Air, Sunshine, and the Warfare on Germs in China's National Quest for Hygienic Modernity, 1849-1949 (2020)


Rune Svarverud (Author)

Environment and History
Volume: 26
Issue: 3
Pages: 307-329
Publication date: 2020
Language: English

This article analyses ideas about indoor air pollution, fresh and foul air, ventilation and modern hygiene in China during the century between 1849 and 1949. The main focus is on conceptions of and provisions against air pollution in China during this period. The article scrutinises the early history of air pollution in China through a study of the introduction of scientific information, the foreign inspiration for health, hygiene and ventilation, the popular discourse, and the dissemination of knowledge about air quality, fresh air and ventilation. Air pollution in this article is understood in a broad sense involving all airborne substances seen to have adverse health effects on humans, thus including ideas about the positive and negative health effects of clean and fresh air, dust particles, germs and sunshine. This is a story of how science and technology formed part of the history of transmission of knowledge from West to East and how this knowledge took on new and indigenous forms in its Chinese context. This analysis can serve as a historical grounding for understanding current interpretations of fresh and foul air in China today.

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Authors & Contributors
Rogaski, Ruth
Bu, Liping
Cook, Harold John
Darmon, Pierre
Gansky, Paul
Johnson, Ryan
Social History of Medicine
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Journal of Asian Studies
Brown University
Franco Angeli
Le Pommier
Oxford University Press
The Isis Press
University of California Press
Public health
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Knowledge circulation
Science and politics
Dudgeon, John
Lowdermilk, Walter Clay
Pasteur, Louis
Yang, Chongrui
Chengtong, Ren
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
20th century
Early modern
17th century
18th century
Great Britain
Ottoman Empire
Rockefeller Foundation
French East India Company

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