Article ID: CBB479319966

Proof vs Provability: On Brouwer’s Time Problem (2020)


Is a mathematical theorem proved because provable, or provable because proved? If Brouwer’s intuitionism is accepted, we’re committed, it seems, to the latter, which is highly problematic. Or so I will argue. This and other consequences of Brouwer’s attempt to found mathematics on the intuition of a move of time have heretofore been insufficiently appreciated. Whereas the mathematical anomalies of intuitionism have received enormous attention, too little time, I’ll try to show, has been devoted to some of the temporal anomalies that Brouwer has invited us to introduce into mathematics.

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Authors & Contributors
Dalen, Dirk van
Franchella, Miriam
Posy, Carl J.
Aberdein, Andrew
Ageron, Pierre
Atten, Mark Sebastiaan Paul Rogier van
History and Philosophy of Logic
Historia Mathematica
Notices of the American Mathematical Society
Revue d'Histoire des Mathématiques
Science in Context
Cambridge University Press
Clarendon Press
MIT Press
Oxford University Press
Philosophy of mathematics
Intuitionistic mathematics
Brouwer, Luitzen E. J.
Hilbert, David
Denjoy, Arnaud
Enriques, Federigo
Gentzen, Gerhard
Heyting, Arend
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
21st century

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