Adriaens, Pieter R. (Author)
Most of Charles Darwin's ideas have withstood the test of time, but some of them turned out to be dead ends. This article focuses on one such dead end: Darwin's ideas about the connection between piloerection and mental illness. Piloerection is a medical umbrella term to refer to a number of phenomena in which our hair tends to stand on end. Darwin was one of the first scientists to study it systematically. In The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872), he discusses piloerection in the context of his analysis of the expressions involved in fear and anger, relying heavily on the evidence provided by one of his correspondents, the British psychiatrist James Crichton Browne. This essay reveals how Darwin's initial doubts about the similarity between piloerection in animals and psychiatric patients were eased when studying photographic portraits of female psychiatric patients sent to him by Crichton Browne. It considers arguments against Darwin's reading of these portraits and the apparent contrast between this reading and his own skepticism, in later years, about the value of documentary photography. The article concludes with some notes regarding the reception of Darwin's ideas about psychopathology.
Pearn, Alison M.;
“This Excellent Observer …”: The Correspondence between Charles Darwin and James Crichton-Browne, 1869--75
Stephanie L. Schatz;
Lewis Carroll’s Dream-child and Victorian Child Psychopathology
Neve, Michael;
Turner, Trevor;
What the doctor thought and did: Sir James Crichton-Browne (1840-1938)
Adriaens, Pieter R.;
de Block, Andreas;
The Evolutionary Turn in Psychiatry: A Historical Overview
Pickersgill, Martyn;
The Endurance of Uncertainty: Antisociality and Ontological Anarchy in British Psychiatry, 1950--2010
de Bont, Raf;
Schizophrenia, Evolution and the Borders of Biology: On Huxley et al.'s 1964 Paper in Nature
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The Evolution of Harry Harlow: From the Nature to the Nurture of Love
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Companion Animals
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Insects and Angels
Archibald, J. David;
Darwin's Two Competing Phylogenetic Trees: Marsupials as Ancestors or Sister Taxa?
Murphy, Ruth;
Darwin and 1860s Children's Literature: Belief, Myth or Detritus
Yannielli, Joseph L.;
A Yahgan for the Killing: Murder, Memory and Charles Darwin
Hale, Piers J.;
Monkeys into Men and Men into Monkeys: Chance and Contingency in the Evolution of Man, Mind and Morals in Charles Kingsley's Water Babies
Brinkman, Paul D.;
Charles Darwin's Beagle Voyage, Fossil Vertebrate Succession, and “The Gradual Birth and Death of Species”
Bellon, Richard;
Inspiration in the Harness of Daily Labor: Darwin, Botany, and the Triumph of Evolution, 1859--1868
Wyhe, John van;
Charles Darwin's Cambridge Life 1828--1831
Secord, James A.;
The Secret History of Victorian Evolution
Carvalho, André Luis de Lima;
Waizbort, Ricardo;
A dor além dos confins do homem: aproximações preliminares ao debate entre Frances Power Cobbe e os darwinistas a respeito da vivissecção na Inglaterra vitoriana (1863--1904)
Canseco, Juan;
Conflitto e confronto: l'evoluzionismo materialista di Darwin e l'evoluzionismo spiritualista di Wallace
Bradle, Benjamin Sylvester;
Darwin's Sublime: The Contest between Reason and Imagination in On the Origin of Species
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