Nielsen, Danielle (Author)
During the last forty years of the United States’ fight for woman suffrage, a handful of suffragists wrote cookbooks sponsored by suffrage organisations. These cookbooks created a rhetorical space and ethos within and through the kitchen. Because their activism was grounded in expected feminine actions, this home-bound ethos allowed the primarily white, middle-class suffragists to simultaneously advocate for women's suffrage in public and maintain their adherence to the Cult of True Womanhood. The arguments put forth in the cookbooks illustrate an ethos that is influenced by both personal agency and the rhetor's gendered, physical location in the kitchen. From this expected space, they made the more revolutionary argument for suffrage less discrediting.
Rembis, Michael Allen;
Defining Deviance: Sex, Science, and Delinquent Girls, 1890--1960
Rebecca Sharpless;
Cookbooks as Resources for Rural Research
Anne Marie Todd;
Communicating Environmental Patriotism: A Rhetorical History of the American Environmental Movement
Hamilton, Susan;
Animal Welfare and Anti-Vivisection, 1870--1910: Nineteenth-Century Woman's Mission
Leslie M. Shapy;
A Close Reading and Concept-Oriented Rhetorical and Literary Analysis of Margaret Sanger's Eugenics-Based Discourse
Geddes, J. F.;
The Doctors' Dilemma: Medical Women and the British Suffrage Movement
Krome-Lukens, Anna L.;
The Reform Imagination: Gender, Eugenics, and the Welfare State in North Carolina, 1900--1940
David K. Hecht;
(July 2019)
Rachel Carson and the Rhetoric of Revolution
Bob Johnson;
Energy Slaves: Carbon Technologies, Climate Change, and the Stratified History of the Fossil Economy
Janet M. Davis;
The Gospel of Kindness: Animal Welfare and the Making of Modern America
Madeline J. Williams;
Disability Democracy: The Origins of Blind-Led Organizing in the United States, 1829-1935
Josh Doty;
The Perfecting of Nature: Reforming Bodies in Antebellum Literature
Beatrijs Vanacker;
Lieke van Deinsen;
Portraits and Poses: Female Intellectual Authority, Agency and Authorship in Early Modern Europe
Sophie A. Salvo;
The Articulation of Difference: Imagining "Women's Language" between 1650 and the Present
Cristiano Turbil;
Science in the Kitchen and beyond: Cooking with Pellegrino Artusi in Post-Unified Italy
Karen A. Johnson;
Abul Pitre Fayetteville State University North Carolina;
Kenneth L. Johnson;
African American Women Educators: A Critical Examination of Their Pedagogies, Educational Ideas, and Activism from the Nineteenth to the Mid-twentieth Century
Egge, Sara;
“Strewn Knee Deep in Literature”: A Material Analysis of Print Propaganda and Woman Suffrage
Abel, Emily;
Hearts of Wisdom: American Women Caring for Kin, 1850-1940
Norman, Kathleen Lynne;
“Biological living”: The redemption of women and America through healthy living, dress and eugenics
Koslow, Jennifer Lisa;
Eden's underbelly: Female reformers and public health in Los Angeles, 1889--1932 (California)
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