Book ID: CBB472021795

Animals and their roles in the medieval society of Sicily from Byzantines to Arabs and from Arabs to Norman/Aragoneses (7th-14th c. AD) (2022)


Veronica Aniceti (Author)

Insegna del Giglio
Publication date: 2022
Language: English

Publication Date: 2022
Physical Details: 196 pp.

The work presented in this book opens a new window on the history and archaeology of medieval Sicily, by focusing on the development of human-animal relationships from Byzantine times to the later Middle Ages. This large-scale study of animal bones and teeth relies on the analysis of material from old and recent excavations, as well as on a comprehensive review of data available from the literature. The results shed light on two major lines of investigation on Arab and Norman-Aragonese Sicily: the influence of different dominations on dietary practices, most notably the extent to which the taboo on pork consumption spread in the island under the Arab administration, and the longer-term changes in animal husbandry as a consequence of the technological developments and novel approaches to landscape exploitation introduced by the Arabs.

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Authors & Contributors
Mikhail, Alan
Brentjes, Sonja
Brinkmann, Sören
Crane, Susan A.
Ferrario, Gabriele
Pedersen, Susan
American Historical Review
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Huntington Library Quarterly
Indian Journal of History of Science
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Technai, An International Journal for Ancient Science and Technology
Oxford University Press
Columbia University
Johns Hopkins University Press
Palgrave Macmillan
University of Minnesota Press
Human-animal relationships
Animal husbandry
Animal welfare
Public health
Food and foods
Foucault, Michel
Gibbon, Edward
Herder, Johann Gottfried
Philoponos, Joannes Grammaticus
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
20th century, early
Early modern
17th century
Great Britain
Ottoman Empire
United States
Oxford University

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