Giovanni Verri (Author)
Hariclia Brecoulaki (Author)
Studies of the materiality of ancient works of art can provide valuable insights into their broader meaning, or significance. Scientific investigations on materials used, as well as their application technique, reveal a high level of complexity in the making of ancient painted surfaces. This paper discusses two aspects of ancient painting techniques: the whites of the eyes and the skin tones, whose mode of representation could be traced to Pharaonic Egypt. Through examples, it is argued that painting techniques are both part of an artistic continuum, in which traditions are followed, as well as transformed, taking new meanings in the cultural contexts in which they evolve. Greek and Roman artists likely adapted existing techniques to their own needs and artistic expressions to communicate new meanings.
Agnès Rouveret;
Certamen artis ac naturae. Couleurs et matières dans la définition plinienne de la peinture (Histoire naturelle, livre 35)
Maria Michela Sassi;
A few remarks on the relationship between materials, technology and colour experience in ancient Greece
Effie Photos-Jones;
Pigments giving more than colour: The case of Lemnian earth or miltos
Vinzenz Brinkmann;
Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann;
Preliminary considerations on the aesthetics and narration of ancient Greek and Roman bronze sculpture. Three case studies and two experiments
Massimo Lopez;
Medicina e Oncologia. Storia illustrata. Volume I. Le origini e le civiltà antiche
Fuchs, Robert;
Die Erfindung der Farbherstellung in der Antike: Farbpigmente im Alten Ägypten bis zu den Griechen und Römern (The invention of color production in antiquity: color pigments in ancient Egypt to the Greeks and Romans)
Cristina Viano;
Noir alchimique: questions d’étymologie et de transmutation
Matteo Martelli;
Transmuting tinctures. Water of sulphur, quicklime, and ‘washes’ in Graeco-Egyptian alchemy
Vinzenz Brinkmann;
Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann;
Tracking blue. Some remarks on blue colour materials in the polychromy of ancient Greek sculpture
Isabella Andorlini;
Nicola Reggiani;
Πολλὰ ἰατρῶν ἐστι συγγράμματα. Scritti sui papiri e la medicina antica
María Paz de Hoz;
Lucian's Podagra, Asclepius and Galen. The Popularisation of Medicine in the Second Century AD
Laurent Bricault;
Isis, Sarapis, Cyrus and John: Between Healing Gods and Thaumaturgical Saints
Laura Miguélez-Cavero;
Nonnus' Natural Histories: Anything to do with Dionysus?
John Lennart Berggren;
Mathematics & Religion in Ancient Greece and Medieval Islam
André Laronde;
Les Ptolémées et la Méditerranée
Francesco Lopez;
Il "pigmento verde" nel trattamento delle ferite: Un confronto tra i papiri medici egizi ed il Corpus hippocraticum sull'impiego in medicina del verderame
Isabella Andorlini;
Crossing the Borders Between Egyptian and Greek Medical Practice
Jane Lucy Lightfoot;
Between Literature and Science, Poetry and Prose, Alexandria and Rome: The Case of Dionysius’ "Periegesis of the Known World"
Juan Luis García Alonso;
"When I Scan the Circling Spirals of the Stars, No Longer Do I Touch Earth with my Feet"
Anne Tihon;
Alexandrian Astronomy in the 2nd Century AD: Ptolemy and his Times
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