Rachel Hill (Author)
The cover image for this edition of Technology and Culture is a franked Soviet stamp. Despite its seemingly unassuming form, this stamp celebrates a pivotal moment in spaceflight history: the first woman to complete a successful orbital flight in space, Valentina Tereshkova. The image draws together cosmonaut, early spacecraft operations, and emerging understandings of the Earth's upper atmosphere, to succinctly illustrate Tereshkova's achievement. Examining the stamp reveals how spaceflight technology, public spectacle, and Soviet secrecy result in very specific aesthetic forms that fuse technical accuracy with flights of fancy. Tracing the trajectories of these (un)intended aesthetic forms, thinking through how they develop and transform over time, demonstrates how some histories of technology are best unearthed via visual means. In doing so, this essay prompts historians of technology to take note of visual analysis as an important but underutilized tool for their craft.
Max Ryynänen;
Bodily Engagements with Film, Images, and Technology: Somavision
Jason Chilvers;
Matthew Kearnes;
Remaking Participation in Science and Democracy
Gary Wells;
Dark Sky: Aesthetics of the Extraterrestrial Landscape
Halpern, Megan K.;
Rogers, Hannah Star;
Inseparable Impulses: The Science and Aesthetics of Ernst Haeckel and Charley Harper
Colin Burgess;
Soviets in Space: Russia’s Cosmonauts and the Space Frontier
Kelly Krause;
A Framework for Visual Communication at Nature
Sara Moreno-Tarín;
Tatiana Pina;
Martí Domínguez;
Worlds apart, drawn together: Bears, penguins and biodiversity in climate change cartoons
Stefanie Samida;
Über mediale Präsenz und Prominenz DNA-gestützter Vergangenheitsforschung
Carsten Strathausen;
Bioaesthetics: Making Sense of Life in Science and the Arts
Imogen Sophie Kristin Wade;
Innovation and Modernization in Contemporary Russia: Science Towns, Technology Parks and Very Limited Success
Rachel Hill;
(October 2023)
Introducing the Act of Looking at Technology-in-Operation
Toshihiro Higuchi;
Political Fallout: Nuclear Weapons Testing and the Making of a Global Environmental Crisis
Olga Kuchinskaya;
The Politics of Invisibility: Public Knowledge about Radiation Health Effects After Chernobyl
Allison Marsh;
Bethany Johnson;
Crash Course History of Science: Popular Science for General Education?
Rony Armon;
Ayelet Baram-Tsabari;
Our Findings, My Method: Framing Science in Televised Interviews
Loleen Berdahl;
Maureen Bourassa;
Scott Bell;
Jana Fried;
(June 2016)
Exploring Perceptions of Credible Science Among Policy Stakeholder Groups: Results of Focus Group Discussions About Nuclear Energy
Nielsen, Kristian H.;
Balling, Gert;
Hope, Tom;
Nakamura, Masaki;
Sipping Science: The Interpretative Flexibility of Science Cafés in Denmark and Japan
Terzian, Sevan G.;
Corporate Science Education: Westinghouse and the Value of Science in Mid-Twentieth Century America
Alison Fields;
Discordant Memories: Atomic Age Narratives and Visual Culture
Katherine Byrne;
Julie Anne Taddeo;
James Leggott;
Diagnosing history: Medicine in television period drama
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