Article ID: CBB464564179

Amalgamated Histories: Tracing Quicksilver's Legacy Through Environmental and Political Bodies in Andean and Amazonian Gold Mining (2023)


This article argues that the centuries-long history of mercury-gold amalgamation is crucial to contemporary debates surrounding global mercury pollution from artisanal and small-scale gold mining. Drawing on historical findings that examine Spanish colonial and Indigenous metallurgical knowledge as well as ethnographic and scientific research, we resituate the history of mercury amalgamation in Latin America, focusing on the Colombian Andes and the Peruvian Amazon – two regions where mercury pollution from artisanal and small-scale gold mining provokes international concern. We identify the policy pitfalls caused by overlooking the untold histories of the amalgamation process along with the European contribution to global mercury emissions rooted in these histories. By critically examining the curation of presentist narratives in UNESCO's memorialisation of Almadén's mercury mines as a World Heritage Site, narratives that also underpin initiatives by the United Nations to bring about a “mercury-free world,” we demonstrate how such ahistorical framings contribute to the criminalisation of artisanal and small-scale gold miners, not only in Perú and Colombia but also worldwide. Our findings present an important first step in highlighting the histories of mercury and gold in the hands of artisanal and small-scale gold miners in Latin America.

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Authors & Contributors
Bilak, Donna
Barreto, Ivan Farias
Carey, Mark
Guerrero, Saúl
He, Zhiguo
Liang, Honggang
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
Engineering Studies
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas
Dumbarton Oaks
Berghahn Books
Duke University Press
Indiana University Press
University of California Press
University of Pittsburgh Press
Mercury (element)
Mines and mining
Public health
Time Periods
19th century
16th century
20th century
20th century, late
17th century
18th century
South America
United Nations Environment Programme
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

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