Kevin Lane (Author)
David Beresford-Jones (Author)
Luis Coll (Author)
Marsh, Erik J. (Author)
Rob Scaife (Author)
Catriel Greco (Author)
Oliver Huaman Oros (Author)
Alexander Herrera (Author)
Jennifer Grant (Author)
Charles French (Author)
Humans have engineered their environments throughout the Holocene, especially in the construction of hydraulic infrastructure. In many regions, however, this infrastructure is difficult to date, including the vestiges of water-management systems in the Andean highlands. Focusing on silt reservoirs in the upper Ica drainage, Peru, the authors use cores and radiocarbon dates to demonstrate the pre-Hispanic construction of walls to enhance and expand wetlands for camelid pasture. Interventions dated to the Inca period (AD 1400–1532) indicate an intensification of investment in hydraulic infrastructure to expand production capacity in support of the state. The results are discussed in the context of the hydraulic strategies of other states and empires.
Orlando Bentancor;
The Matter of Empire: Metaphysics and Mining in Colonial Peru
M. Florencia Arias;
Mariana Mondini;
M. Alejandra Korstanje;
An Early Hispanic-Indigenous Contact Event at the Los Viscos Archaeological Site in the South-Central Andes: A Zooarchaeological Perspective
Matthew E. Biwer;
Willy Yépez Álvarez;
Stefanie L. Bautista;
Justin Jennings;
Hallucinogens, alcohol and shifting leadership strategies in the ancient Peruvian Andes
John W. Verano;
Holes in the Head: The Art and Archaeology of Trepanation in Ancient Peru
Robins, Nicholas A.;
Mercury, Mining, and Empire: The Human and Ecological Cost of Colonial Silver Mining in the Andes
Sebastián Rubiano-Galvis;
Jimena Diaz Leiva;
Ruth Goldstein;
Amalgamated Histories: Tracing Quicksilver's Legacy Through Environmental and Political Bodies in Andean and Amazonian Gold Mining
Carey, Mark;
Climate, Medicine, and Peruvian Health Resorts
Roberts, Elizabeth F. S.;
God's Laboratory: Assisted Reproduction in the Andes
Juana R. Vega Delgado;
Queering Engineers? Using History to Re-think the Associations Between Masculinity and Irrigation Engineering in Peru
Raina, Uta;
Intellectual Imperialism in the Andes: German Anthropologists andArchaeologists in Peru, 1870--1930
Jiří Janáč;
From Nature to National Networks: Hydraulic Bureaucracy and the Modernization of Waters in Czechia, 1890s–1960s
Nathaniel Osborn;
Indian River Lagoon: An Environmental History
Michael Chisholm;
Anglo-Saxon hydraulic engineering in the fens
Cesare S. Maffioli;
I contributi di Leonardo da Vinci e degli ingegneri milanesi: misura delle acque e navigazione dell'Adda tra fine XV e XVI secolo
Didier Boisseuil;
Impiego e cultura delle acque termali in Italia nel Rinascimento (XIII-XVI secolo)
Rohr, Christian;
Floods of the Upper Danube River and Its Tributaries and Their Impact on Urban Economies (c. 1350--1600): The Examples of the Towns of Krems/Stein and Wels (Austria)
Kraker, Adriaan de;
Storminess in the Low Countries, 1390--1725
Francesco Antoniol;
Francesco Vergani;
Fra Giocondo da Verona e gli ingegneri della Brentella
Luca Molà;
La Repubblica di Venezia tra acque dolci e acque salse: investimenti tecnologici a Lizzafusina nel Rinascimento
Susan B. Butters;
Princely Waters: An Elemental Look at the Medici Dukes
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