Connor, Jennifer J. (Author)
This article provides context for three studies about early 20th-century medical cases in the geographically distributed humanitarian aid organization founded by Wilfred Grenfell in pre-Confederation Newfoundland and Labrador. It situates these studies within historiographical and theoretical approaches to case histories and their publication by medical practitioners, the background for research on the clinical records of the Grenfell organization’s main hospital, and the history behind specific case information for coastal patients. While the cases examined cohere through their organizational origin, the authors of these three studies reveal sometimes unexpected representations of the patient in text and illustration. In these ways, both this introductory article and the following three studies emphasize the enduring appeal of narrative approaches to case writing while also pointing to the evolving ethics of publishing medical reports for general readers and scholars. Together they invite renewed attention to the representation of medical cases in publications that increasingly are available globally in internet collections.
...MoreArticle Monica Kidd (2021) “If We Can Make a Cure of Him”: Lyrical Grenfell in the St. Anthony Casebooks, 1906. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine (pp. 423-434).
Article John R.H. Matchim (2021) Publishing and Paternalism in the Grenfell Mission: Wilfred Grenfell’s Accounts of a Boy Patient and Doctor-Patient Relations in Northern Newfoundland and Labrador, 1900–14. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine (pp. 399-422).
Article Jennifer J. Connor (2021) Labrador Emergencies and St. Anthony Institutional Care: Medical Cases of Donald McI. Johnson for the Grenfell Association, 1928–29. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine (pp. 372-398).
John R.H. Matchim;
Publishing and Paternalism in the Grenfell Mission: Wilfred Grenfell’s Accounts of a Boy Patient and Doctor-Patient Relations in Northern Newfoundland and Labrador, 1900–14
Monica Kidd;
“If We Can Make a Cure of Him”: Lyrical Grenfell in the St. Anthony Casebooks, 1906
Jennifer J. Connor;
Labrador Emergencies and St. Anthony Institutional Care: Medical Cases of Donald McI. Johnson for the Grenfell Association, 1928–29
Madeleine Mant;
Inpatients at the St. John’s General Hospital: Morbidity in Late 19th-Century Newfoundland and Labrador
Jennifer J. Connor;
Katherine Side;
The Grenfell Medical Mission and American Support in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1890s-1940s
Letts, Melinda;
Rufus of Ephesus and the Patient's Perspective in Medicine
Anne Hanley;
Jessica Meyer;
David Cantor;
Patient voices in Britain, 1840–1948
Nancy Tomes;
“Not Just for Doctors Anymore”: How the Merck Manual Became a Consumer Health “Bible”
Matteo Galletti;
Spinte gentili e consenso informato. Qual è il “bene” del paziente?
Zhang, Tiansheng;
Female Patients and Male Doctors: Qing Dynasty’s Ethics for Dealing with Female Unmentionable Disease
Ute Frietsch;
Robert Fludd’s Visual and Artisanal Episteme: A Case Study of Fludd’s Interaction with His Engraver, His Printer-Publisher, and His Amanuenses
Gwen Seabourne;
Drugs, Deceit and Damage in Thirteenth-century Herefordshire: New Perspectives on Medieval Surgery, Sex and the Law
Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen;
Freud's Patients: A Book of Lives
Beyer, Christof;
Eine Patientenperspektive in der Psychiatrie zwischen Krankheit, Normalisierung und Normalität (1921--1937)
Morrison, Hazel;
Conversing with the Psychiatrist: Patient Narratives within Glasgow's Royal Asylum, 1921--1929
Judith Pettigrew;
Aisling Shalvey;
Bríd Dunne;
Katie Robinson;
Eamon O’Sullivan: 20th-century Irish psychiatrist and occupational therapy patron
Christof Beyer;
Maike Rotzoll;
Berufsfähig, entlassungsfähig, verlegungsfähig
Skloot, Rebecca;
The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks
Mason, Julia M.;
Surgical Intervention: Critiquing the Representation of Breast Cancer Surgery in US Women's Magazines
Maria Pia Donato;
Practical Knowledge and the Rhetoric of Experience: Three Italian Surgeons and Their Observations
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