Article ID: CBB452865118

The effects of publishing processes on scientific thought: Typography and typology in prehistoric archaeology (1950s–1990s (2020)


Plutniak, Sébastien (Author)

Science in Context
Volume: 33
Issue: 3
Pages: 273-297
Publication date: 2020
Language: English

In the last decades, many changes have occurred in scientific publishing, including online publication, data repositories, file formats and standards. The role played by computers in this process rekindled the argument on forms of technical determinism. This paper addresses this old debate by exploring the case of publishing processes in prehistoric archaeology during the second part of the twentieth century, prior to the wide-scale adoption of computers. It investigates the case of a collective and international attempt to standardize the typological analysis of prehistoric lithic objects, coined typologie analytique by Georges Laplace and developed by a group of French, Italian, and Spanish researchers. The aim of this paper is to: 1) present a general bibliometric scenario of prehistoric archaeology publishing in continental Europe; 2) report on the little-known typologie analytique method in archaeology, using publications, archives, and interviews; 3) show how the publication of scientific production was shaped by social (editorial policies, support networks) and material (typography features and publication formats) constraints; and 4) highlight how actors founded resources to control and counterbalance these effects, namely by changing and improving publishing formats.

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Authors & Contributors
Plutniak, Sébastien
Cain, Victoria
Csiszar, Alex
Davoust, Emmanuel
Galis, Vasilis
Levin, Luciano
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society
Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Francaise
Historical Records of Australian Science
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
The MIT Press
Scholarly publishing
Prehistoric archaeology
Digital media
Science and technology studies (STS)
Professions and professionalization
Laplace, Georges
Gardin, Jean-Claude
Knuth, Donald Ervin
Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich
Edwards, Robert "Bob"
Time Periods
20th century, late
21st century
20th century
19th century
Latin America
United States

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