Ruben E. Verwaal (Author)
Het menselijk lichaam is zo lek als een mandje. Het zweet, spuugt, piest, poept, bloedt en spuit. Juist die vloeibaarheid is essentieel voor ons leven en voor onze gezondheid. Zonder speeksel kunnen we ons eten niet doorslikken en verteren, zonder stollend bloed geen helende wonden, zonder vaginaal vocht en sperma geen voortplanting. Toch hebben we een problematische verhouding met onze lichaamssappen. We vinden pus, zweet en urine tegenwoordig al snel vies en onhygiënisch. Maar dat is niet altijd het geval geweest. Hoe is dat zo gekomen? Aan de hand van historische bronnen vertelt Ruben Verwaal in Bloed, zweet en tranen fascinerende en geestige verhalen over hoe in vroeger tijden over lichaamssappen werd gedacht en hoe ze in het dagelijks leven voor allerhande zaken werden gebruikt. [DeepL translation: The human body is as leaky as a basket. It sweats, spits, pees, poops, bleeds and squirts. This very fluidity is essential to our lives and to our health. Without saliva we cannot swallow and digest our food, without clotting blood no healing wounds, without vaginal fluid and sperm no reproduction. Yet we have a problematic relationship with our bodily fluids. We are quick to consider pus, sweat and urine dirty and unsanitary these days. But that hasn't always been the case. How did it come to be that way? Using historical sources, Ruben Verwaal tells fascinating and witty stories in Blood, Sweat and Tears about how bodily fluids were thought of in earlier times and how they were used in everyday life for all sorts of things.]
Swanson, Kara W.;
Banking on the Body: The Market in Blood, Milk, and Sperm in Modern America
Mark Bradley;
Victoria Leonard;
Laurence Totelin;
Bodily Fluids in Antiquity
Keevil, Stephen F.;
Physics and Medicine: A Historical Perspective
Bonnie Lander Johnson;
Eleanor Decamp;
Blood Matters: Studies in European Literature and Thought, 1400-1700
Baumgarten, Elisheva;
Marking the Flesh: Circumcision, Blood, and Inscribing Identity on the Body in Medieval Jewish Culture
John Wilkins;
Bodily Fluids (‘Humours’) and Flavours in Galen’s Simple Medicines
Nicoletta Palmieri;
Esitazioni medievali sullo strumento 'obbediente' del polso: cuore o corpo dell’arteria?
Horstmanshoff, H. F. J.;
King, Helen;
Zittel, Claus;
Blood, Sweat, and Tears: The Changing Concepts of Physiology from Antiquity into Early Modern Europe
Gadebusch Bondio, Mariacarla;
Blood in History and Blood Histories
Meli, Domenico Bertoloni;
The Color of Blood: Between Sensory Experience and Epistemic Significance
Zita Nunes;
Ralph Bauer;
Carla L. Peterson;
Kimberly Anne Coles;
The Cultural Politics of Blood, 1500-1900
Crignon, Claire;
La découverte de la circulation sanguine: révolution ou refonte?
Astemir Shaikhaliev;
Alexander Pankratov;
Bone grafting in the pre-antiseptic era (historical review). Part 1. Beginning of the journey. From antiquity to the 1860
Leung, Angela Ki Che;
Medicine for Women in Imperial China
Jennifer Wallis;
Investigating the Body in the Victorian Asylum: Doctors, Patients, and Practices
Lawrence Trevelyan Weaver;
White Blood: A History of Human Milk
Charlotte Kroløkke;
Global Fluids: The Cultural Politics of Reproductive Waste and Value
Rose, Christine;
Bodies that Splatter: Bodily Fluids in Nineteenth-Century Imperial Discourse
Francesco Paolo De Ceglia;
Storia della definizione di morte
Cantor, David;
Reinventing Hippocrates
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