Book ID: CBB449823915

Malaria in Colonial South Asia: Uncoupling Disease and Destitution (2019)


Zurbrigg, Sheila (Author)

Routledge India
Publication date: 2019
Language: English

Publication Date: 2019
Physical Details: 318

This book highlights the role of acute hunger in malaria lethality in colonial South Asia and investigates how this understanding came to be lost in modern medical, epidemic, and historiographic thought. Using the case studies of colonial Punjab, Sri Lanka, and Bengal, it traces the loss of fundamental concepts and language of hunger in the inter-war period with the reductive application of the new specialisms of nutritional science and immunology, and a parallel loss of the distinction between infection (transmission) and morbid disease. The study locates the final demise of the ‘Human Factor’ (hunger) in malaria history within pre- and early post-WW2 international health institutions – the International Health Division of the Rockefeller Foundation and the nascent WHO’s Expert Committee on Malaria. It examines the implications of this epistemic shift for interpreting South Asian health history, and reclaims a broader understanding of common endemic infection (endemiology) as a prime driver, in the context of subsistence precarity, of epidemic mortality history and demographic change. This book will be useful to scholars and researchers of public health, social medicine and social epidemiology, imperial history, epidemic and demographic history, history of medicine, medical sociology, and sociology.

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Authors & Contributors
Edwards, Laurie
F. Haynes, Barton
Gallagher, Nancy Elizabeth
Harrison, Mark
Hussey, Kristin D.
Jones, M.
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
International Journal of Middle East Studies
Social History of Medicine
Cornell University Press
Routledge India
Queen's University
Cambridge University Press
Hong Kong University Press
University of California Press
Public health
Disease and diseases
Medicine and society
Medicine and politics
Nutrition; dietetics
Castro, Josué de
Keys, Ancel
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
19th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
United States
Middle and Near East
University of Minnesota

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