Article ID: CBB447451448

Air Pollution in the Making: Multiplicity and Difference in Interdisciplinary Data Practices (September 2017)


Garnett, Emma (Author)

Science, Technology, and Human Values
Volume: 42
Issue: 5
Pages: 901-924
Publication date: September 2017
Language: English

This article traces an emergent tension in an interdisciplinary public health project called Weather Health and Air Pollution (WHAP). The tension centered on two different kinds of data of air pollution: monitored and modeled data. Starting out with monitoring and modeling practices, the different ways in which they enacted air pollution are detailed. This multiplicity was problematic for the WHAP scientists, who were intent on working across disciplines, an initiative driven primarily by the epidemiologists who imbued the project with meaning and value as the protagonists of “health.” To work collaboratively implies a stable, singular, and shared research object, however: one kind of data, one version of air pollution. In detailing two attempts by researchers to address the inadequacies of modeled and monitored data, this article explores the ways in which difference and multiplicity were negotiated and transformed. In doing so, this article suggests that it is the mobility and instability of data that are particularly fruitful for exploring the facilitation and enactment of new realities, while also making explicit the emergent problematics and partialities which inevitably result.

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Authors & Contributors
Anderson, Warwick H.
Ballester Añón, Rosa
Bocking, Stephen A.
Carey, Mark
Culver, Lawrence
Cunningham-Burley, Sarah
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Social Studies of Science
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Environment and History
Environmental History
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Ohio University Press
Rutgers University Press
UCL Press
Environmental sciences
Public health
Interdisciplinary approach to knowledge
Science and technology studies (STS)
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
19th century
Great Britain
British Columbia (Canada)
United States
European Commission
Future Earth. Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge-Action Network
International Council for Science

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